200 examples of around on in sentences

Then Robin Hood's heart was proud when he looked around on his stout, brave fellows, and he said, "Brave and true are ye all, my merry men, and a right stout band of good fellows are ye, but ye cannot all go, so I will choose one from among you, and it shall be good Will Stutely, for he is as sly as e'er an old dog fox in Sherwood Forest.

Prue's father would have said to-night that the old room was unchangednothing had been taken out and nothing new brought in since that last night that he had seen the old man pacing up and down, and the old man's daughter whirling around on the piano stool, as full of hope and trust and enthusiasm as ever a girl could be.

Carolyn June called, suddenly whirling around on the piano stool as she finished the last bars of La Paloma, "may I have a horse?" Old Heck, grown silent under the spell of the music, and, like Skinny, sitting dreaming dreams that almost frightened him, started quickly.

We are whirling around on the outer surface, rushing on at the ratelet me thinkat the rate of more than one thousand miles a minute!" "Frank, what do you mean?" cried Philip.

So he warned his brother, Nahpootee, never to cross that lake, but always to go around on the shore, and for some time he remembered this warning and was not attacked.

The mist had made him so dizzy, he said, that he had wandered around on the big meadow all day long.

They rowed around on Takern until way late in the evening, without seeing the least shadow of him.

When he got that knife throwed in him I thought I'd come down here and have a look around on my own hook, and thar ye be, cap'n.

The next thing he was aware of, the car was swinging around on its turn-table and he was hastily scrambling off.

Ten minutes after this, two wood doves, sitting in a tree to the east of the lettuce bed, and looking westward, turned around on their twig and looked toward the east.

Pausing before we proceed to paper, we look around on our household gods.

He said he could scarcely credit the testimony of his own senses, when he looked around on the change which had taken place.

He ordered a cat to be kept on every estate in his district, to be ready for use as he went around on his weekly visits.

* Sunday, in the family of the emigrants, was generally happy; even the very youngest seemed to be influenced by the spirit of peace that breathed around on that holy day.

" Many Eyes was propped against a tree while her escort sat around on the ground holding their handkerchiefs in front of their mouths to keep from talking.

"Thank God I have nothing to do but sit around on my horse," murmured Major Pinto.

she was going around on the wrong side.

The mail carrier copied them in his equipment, and thus he goes around on stilts, provided with a large cane to help him keep his balance, and furnishes a correct example of a post office official suiting the demands of every district.

He swung around on Captain McDunn.

A row of a few miles, on the following morning, brought us to Four-Legs' village, at the entrance to Winnebago Lake, a picturesque cluster of Indian huts, spread around on a pretty green glade, and shaded by fine lofty trees.

"Archange Cadotte," said Louizon, turning around on the stool before he descended; and she spread out her skirts, taking two dancing steps to indicate that she heard him.

On the opposite side of the flat were many small tents, and around on the hillside some mules and jacks were feeding.

When I reached the slashing, I knew you would not enter that, but supposed you would skirt around on the east and south side, as the path led southwesterly to it.

Well, we crossed and nooned, lying around on purpose to give them a good lead, and when we hit the trail back in these sand-hills, there he was, not a mile ahead, and you can see there was no chance to get around.

He was thrown out of bed by one of the shocks, spun around on the floor and left gasping in a corner.

200 examples of  around on  in sentences