238 examples of arte in sentences

Here, take my semecopethou arte bare, I see; 'Tis thyne; the Seynctes will give me mie rewarde.' He left the pilgrim, and his waie aborde.

But spightfully to undermine my fame, To take away my arte!

Beneath is inscribed: Judicio pylivm genio socratem, arte maronem, Terra tegit, popvlvs mæret, Olympvs Habet[A] Stay, passenger; why goest thov by so fast? Read, if thov canst, whom enviovs death hath plast Within this monvment; Shakespeare, with whom Quick natvre dide; whose name doth deck ys.

dumque ipsi in bellis arte fugam simulant, periculosum est eos insequi, quoniam iaciunt sagittas à tergo, quibus equos et homines occidere norunt.

Come, sir, it is not your painting alone makes your absolute man; ther's as fine a hand to be requir'd in carrying a dish, and as sweete arte to be shew'd in't as in any maister peece whatsoever; better then as you painted the Doctor eene now with his nose in an Urinall. Lass.

Syllie man, Arte growne fantastycke in thy latter days?

The Thracian Orpheus, whose admyred skyll Is sayd to have had power ore ravenous beasts To make theym lay their naturall feircenes by When he but toucht his harpe; that on the floods Had power above theire regent (the pale Moone) To make them tourne or stay their violent course When he was pleasd to ravishe theym with sounds, Neare had abyllitie with all his arte To matche the naturall musyque of thy voyce.

Thou only arte happynes.

An old bawdy nurse in Aristaenetus, (like that Spanish Caelestina, quae, quinque mille virgines fecit mulieres, totidemque mulieres arte sua virgines) when a fair maid of her acquaintance wept and made her moan to her, how she had been deflowered, and now ready to be married, was afraid it would be perceived, comfortably replied, Noli vereri filia, &c. "Fear not, daughter, I'll teach thee a trick to help it."

De Arte Poet.

II En la época á que se remonta la relación de esta historia, tan verídica como extraordinaria, lo mismo que al presente, para los que no sabían apreciar los tesoros del arte que encierran sus muros la ciudad de Toledo no era mas que un poblacón destartalado, antiguo, ruinoso é insufrible.

De qué arte se valieron los acometedores de esta empresa para llevarla á término, ni nadie se

arte, m. or f., art, artifice, trick. articular, to speak, utter.

Oh my Lord, affection is unlimited, Daring all dangers, having no tipe nor figure, Beyond all arte.

Faith, I dare not venture on him, for feare he should be rotten; give me nature, not arte.

[Footnote 6: Nec reditum Diomedis ab interitu Meleagri, Nec gemino bellum Trojanum orditur ab ovo, Semper ad eventum festinat, et in medias res, Non secus ac notas, auditorem rapit De Arte Poet.

[Footnote 1: Ubi visus eris nostra medicabilis arte Fac monitis fugias otia prima meis.

Tibullus gives us a good idea of them: "Agricola assiduo primum satiatus aratro Cantavit oerto rustica verba pede; Et satur arenti primum est modulatus avena Carmen, ut ornatos diceret ante decs; Agricola et minio suffusus, Bacche, rubenti Primus inexperta duxit ab arte choros.

If suche may boast as by a subtile arte, Canne without labour make excessive gayne, And under name of Misterie imparte, Unto the worlde the Crafie's but of their brayne.

And of all artes that worthe or praise doeth merite, To none the Marshall Farrier's will submitt, That bothe by Physicks, arte, force, hands, and spiritt The Kinge and subject in peace and warre doe fitt, Many of Tuball boast first Smythe that ever wrought, But Farriers more do, doe than Tuball ever taught.

Is unfitt for peace and more unaptt for warre, For Honor, Anncestrie, and for Utilitie, Farriers may boast their artes habilitie, For Honor, view, this anncient Pedigree Of Noble Howses, that did beare the name Of Farriers, and were Earles; as you may see, That used the arte and did supporte the same, And to perpetuall honour of the Crafte, Castells they buylt and to succession left.

And for utilitie that cannot be denied, That many are the Proffitts that arise To all men by the Farriers arte beside.

To them they are tied, by their necessities, From the Kinge's steede unto the ploweman's cart, All stande in neede of Farriers skillfull arte.

"Tot fallaciis obrutum, tot hallucinationibus demersum, tot adhuc tenebris circumfusum studium hocce mihi visum est, ut nihil satis tuto in hac materia præstari posse arbitratus sim, nisi nova quadam arte critica præmissa.

THOMPSON, DANIEL V. Il libro dell' arte.

238 examples of  arte  in sentences