11 examples of artur in sentences

It is a patriotic and scientific enterprise, conceived and undertaken by the late Dr. Artur Hazelius, an eminent ethnologist, for the purpose of preserving the habits and customs of the Scandinavian races.

SEE Schnabel, Artur.

SEE Clark, Welford D. SCHNABEL, ARTUR. Reflections on music.

SEE Schnabel, Artur.

Library of Living Philosophers, Inc. (PWH); 24Feb70; R479558. SCHNABEL, ARTUR.

Music and the line of most resistance SEE SCHNABEL, ARTUR.

SEE Schnabel, Artur.

SEE Clark, Welford D. SCHNABEL, ARTUR. Reflections on music.

SEE Schnabel, Artur.

Library of Living Philosophers, Inc. (PWH); 24Feb70; R479558. SCHNABEL, ARTUR.

Music and the line of most resistance SEE SCHNABEL, ARTUR.

11 examples of  artur  in sentences