1124 examples of as a matter of fact in sentences

As a matter of fact, what they make in their own country is taken from them by the Coast Indians, so that there is little inducement for them to remain.

But, as a matter of fact, nothing in the fortunes of our friends equals the truth of the thrilling and desperate chances taken by Northern captives to escape the lingering death of prison in the South.

That sounds very well; but, as a matter of fact, has our past system produced all the results in this direction that we have hoped and prayed for?

As a matter of fact, the next day we received two letters, two complaints.

The purchaser hoped to make a future profit out of his purchase, for the city was growing in that direction; and, as a matter of fact, I believe that at the present time the house is included within the city limits.

As a matter of fact, the conclusion deductively reached is in harmony with the inductive conclusion.

"As a matter of fact he didonce," said Janet, imitating Hilda's manner.

But, as a matter of fact, statesmanship has to consider other things as well.

He had the admirable custom of carrying out his commissions in the order in which they arrived, so that if he was at work upon a set of fire-irons for a poor client, not even Lorenzo himself (who as a matter of fact often tried) could induce him to turn to something more lucrative.

" As a matter of fact, productive land is always appropriated, and in many parts of the Islands is difficult and expensive to purchase.

Real force of habit, as a matter of fact, rests upon that indolent, passive disposition which seeks to relieve the intellect and the will of a fresh choice, and so makes us do what we did yesterday and have done a hundred times before, and of which we know that it will attain its object.

As a matter of fact, Mrs. Daventry, before she lay down, switched off the lights, and Daventry and Lady Langham, finding the room dark, assumed it to be empty.

What number do you want?" "Well," I explained, "as a matter of fact I don't want a number.

" "I never did doubt it, as a matter of fact, although I prevaricated at the time.

His stuff sells.' Mrs. Potter's novels, as a matter of fact, sold quite creditably.

As a matter of fact, the French soldiers, by orders of their government, were drawn back from the frontier a distance of six miles in order to avoid any appearance of attacking the Germans.

As a matter of fact, buying a newspaper is far more costly and public a proceeding than buying a politician.

As a matter of fact, public opinion would be far from unanimous, and real compulsion could only be employed by means of warthe very thing which is to be avoided.

As a matter of fact, Miss Pankhurst is quite in earnest about votes for women.

There was nothing Aurea would not have done for me, or I for Aurea, exceptmarry each other; and, as a matter of fact, there were certain difficulties on both sides in the way of our doing that, difficulties, however, which I am sure neither of us regretted.

" Word came, as a matter of fact, shortly after five o'clock.

As a matter of fact we know that they treated their wives with a selfishness which is entirely incompatible with true affection.

As a matter of fact, American officers usually addressed and treated Aguinaldo as a general.

As a matter of fact, the shore road from the Pier to New Haven is not good; it is hilly, sandy, and rough; but it is entirely practicable, and makes up in beauty and interest what it lacks in quality.

At Roskilde he spent, as a matter of fact, most of his time while Valdemar lived.

1124 examples of  as a matter of fact  in sentences