29 examples of as far apart in sentences

They were to ride as far apart as the roads or woods or natural obstructions would admit.

One result of the doctrine was the mistaken attempt to keep the legislative and the executive as far apart as possible.

Sleep from my aching eyes had fled, And kept as far apart, As sense from Ebn Fahdi's head, Or virtue from his heart.

Three distinct observations suffice to determine the orbit of a planet completely, but it is well to have the three observations as far apart as possible so as to minimize the effects of minute but necessary errors of observation.

"Love directed me," answered Romeo: "I am no pilot, yet wert thou as far apart from me, as that vast shore which is washed with the farthest sea, I should adventure for such merchandize."

They therefore sit as far apart as possible, and smoke cigarettes between and during the courses with that self-centred absorption which would be rude, if it were not entirely satisfactory, to the average Briton.

By his own act they were set as far apart as two beings inhabiting two widely separate worlds.

So the caterpillar and the butterfly, to the naïve child, seem as far apart as worm and bird.

Even the scholarly Gray was deceived and delighted with "Ossian"; and men as far apart as Goethe and Napoleon praised it immoderately.

Liberty is fundamentally an ideal; and that idealbeautiful, inspiring, compelling, as a loved banner in the windwas kept steadily before men's minds by a multitude of books and pamphlets as far apart as Burns's Poems and Thomas Paine's Rights of Man,all read eagerly by the common people, all proclaiming the dignity of common life, and all uttering the same passionate cry against every form of class or caste oppression.

Men as far apart as Darwin and Newman are strangely alike in spirit, one seeking truth in the natural, the other in the spiritual history of the race.

The loss on such lines, due to leakage between wires, is greater than that which takes place at the pole insulators, and is diminished by keeping the circuit wires as far apart as possible.

"Each physical atom is the centre of an etheric molecule, and as far apart from every other atom as the stars in heaven from one another."

Each physical atom is as far apart from every other atom as the stars in heaven from one anotherin proportion to their size.

Carroll placed an exceedingly high valuation on Leverage's opinioneven though the minds of the two men were as far apart as the poles.

At length a start was effected, and away they went, Tacony with his hind legs as far apart as the centre arch of Westminster Bridge, and with strides that would almost clear the Bridgewater Canal.

"We would be as far apart as if the ocean were between us.

One is for the English Ireland, which then included about the area of ten counties, though it afterwards shrank to four and a few towns; the other is for the Ireland of the Irish and rebellious English, which included the rest of the island; the object being, not as might be supposed at first sight, to unite these two closer together, but to keep them as far apart as possible; to prevent them, in fact, if possible, from ever uniting.

Lord Ralles and I sat on boxesthe only furniture the room containedabout as far apart as we could get, he in the sulks, and I whistling cheerfully.

Dicky and I seemed as far apart emotionally as the poles.

At home she was cold and proud as ever, for between her mother-in-law and herself there was no affinity, and they kept as far apart as possible, Ethelyn staying mostly in her room, and Mrs. Markham, senior, staying in the kitchen, where Eunice Plympton still remained.

From the cupola of the State House in Boston, a little group of citizens gazed upon a scene which would daunt the stoutest heart; these five men standing motionless and speechless under the gilded dome are of widely differing stations in life, as far apart as the poles in culture, education, and creed, but their faces wore the same expressions of profound sadness mingled with stern determination.

In all, the International Council of Women, to which all the councils send delegates, represents more than eight million women, in countries as far apart as Australia, Argentine, Iceland, Persia, South Africa, and every country in Europe.

Willie and prosperity were still as far apart as ever, and even Willie could hardly have blamed prosperity for that.

We seemed as far apart as when we were children.

29 examples of  as far apart  in sentences