35 examples of as fat as in sentences

For the rest, he flourished, filled out, and got as fat as a seal, but never a whit less solemn.

He sat nigh the Sheriff at meat, and he ran beside his horse when he went a-hunting; so that, what with hunting and hawking a little, and eating rich dishes and drinking good sack, and sleeping until late hours in the morning, he grew as fat as a stall-fed ox.

" "They are a merry couple," said the Tinker, "for one is as lean as an old wife's spindle, and the other as fat as a suet pudding.

" "Why, papa!" exclaimed Jack, who overheard the remark, "it is as fat as a seal.

"The Finlanders and Laplanders, who are not troubled with such religious prejudices, give rosy cheeks and bodies as fat as seals to their dolls.

The quarter-master's favorite dog, which was as fat as the pig, suddenly disappeared the day before the feast, and Terrence had a search instituted for him without avail, and gave it out as his opinion that the dog had fallen overboard.

The foreman was almost as fat as Mr. Appleboy, but Tutt regarded this as an even break on account of the size of Tunnygate.

Knee-deep in grass we’ve got to passfor the truth I’m bound to tell Where in three weeks the cattle get as fat as they can swell As fat as they can swell, my boys; a thousand pounds they weigh, On the far Barcoo, where they eat nardoo, a thousand miles away.

Knee-deep in grass we’ve got to passfor the truth I’m bound to tell Where in three weeks the cattle get as fat as they can swell As fat as they can swell, my boys; a thousand pounds they weigh, On the far Barcoo, where they eat nardoo, a thousand miles away.

And one thing led to another until, by easy stages, they had arrived at the point where she was saying that she didn't know if he was aware of it, but if he didn't knock off starchy foods and do exercises every morning, he would be getting as fat as a pig, and he was talking about this modern habit of girls putting make-up on their faces, of which he had always disapproved.

It moistens and fattens the body, concocts, and helps digestion (as we see in dormice, and those Alpine mice that sleep all winter), which Gesner speaks of, when they are so found sleeping under the snow in the dead of winter, as fat as butter.

we now repeatthat the dog Crusoe was once a pupa soft, round, sprawling, squeaking pup, as fat as a tallow candle, and as blind as a bat.

" "Fat!" exclaimed the indignant spinster; "about as fat as a hen's forehead!

Napoleon, who was good to everybody, had fed them on gold until they had become as fat as pigs, and they didn't want to do any more marching.

I became discouraged, though, when I found that I remained as fat as ever; and began tasking my brain for some other expedient.

A week or so after we arrived at our camp, my younger brother killed a very large bear that had just come out of his hibernating quarters and was as fat as a corn fed Ohio porker.

According to Mrs. Walters, a single winter's feeding of hot corn-meal, scraps of bacon, and pods of red pepper will all but bring about a variation of species; and so if the assumed rate at which I am now going were kept up a hundred years, my cedar-trees might be full of a race of red-birds as large and as fat as geese.

I have heard of a sea captain as fat as he, who, to escape arrests, would lay himself flat upon the ground, and let the bailiffs carry him to prison, if they could.

Back of the counter appeared Hindenburg, his throat open, sleeves rolled up over arms as fat as legs.

" Among the Karagué, women were exempted from hard labor because the men were anxious to have them as fat as possible.

" Castleman bestrode an ambling Flemish bay, almost as fat as its master and quite as good-natured, which, because of its slowness, Yolanda dubbed "Last Week.

'He is as fat as a prize ox, and the father of five children.

The garden was well-stocked and weedless; the potatoes seemed to be coming on nicely; the pig was as fat as a self-respecting pig ought to be, and the chickens were healthy and well-grown.

If I had not taken exercise, you would have found me as fat as a porpoise.

But Hope, which attends upon fat and lean men alike, whispered in his mind's ear, "Why not marry a woman as fat as yourself?" "A capital idea!" thought Matthew "and if there's no other way to find one, I'll advertise for her.

35 examples of  as fat as  in sentences