9 examples of ash-coloured in sentences

They are also of different colours, especially the eyes; for some of them are of an ash-colour, others liver colour, some brown, others blackish; but these, as most rare, are most esteemed.

Her sandal-shoes, stockings, gloves, capshe had worn caps for six or seven years now,even her fan, were of the same ash-coloured grey.

And now she found herself standing before the glass and holding her nightgown high enough to display a foot and ankle on which she had slipped an ash-coloured stocking and shoe.

The mule produced from a horse and the ass resembles the horse externally with his ears, main, and tail; but with the nature or manners of an ass: but the Hinnus, or creature produced from a male ass, and a mare, resembles the father externally in stature, ash-colour, and the black cross, but with the nature or manners of a horse.

The leaves are dark green, smooth, and shining, and strongly veined, while the bark is ash-coloured, and the berries bright blue.

It had three steps, each of a different colour; and on the highest of these there sat, mute and watching, an angel in ash-coloured garments, holding a naked sword, which glanced with such intolerable brightness on Dante, whenever he attempted to look, that he gave up the endeavour.

It is covered with very small scales, and is generally of ash-colour, varied and clouded on the back, &c. with brown, black, and white.

the long ruddy hair which gives the tone of colour, and the brownish ash-coloured fur at its base, which, like the down of the beaver, is of such importance in hat-making, and the cause of the animal's commercial value.

The old woman turned to an ash-colour, leant on her besom, and gasped.

9 examples of  ash-coloured  in sentences