4500 examples of aspects in sentences

There are aspects of his character which have frequently caused coldnesses to arise between us.

Our fine Virginia autumn not only dowers the world with beautiful forests, and fresh breezes, and a thousand lovely aspects of the beautiful worldfine golden sunsets, musical dawns, and gorgeous noontides full of languid glory;it also has its direct influence on the mind.

A lamp standing on a table of Gothic shape shed its streams of uneven light sometimes more, sometimes less strongly upon the bed and showed the form of the old man in ever-varying aspects.

It has two aspects.

It is indeed a chameleon, which, viewed from different aspects, presents a variety of opposite colors, and even they are constantly shifting.

CHAPTER VIII SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE WAR "And the economic ravages of war are also much greater with civilised nations than with barbarians.

The same writer published an article on "The Economic Aspects of the War" in The Quarterly Review for October 1914 (6s.).

The magnitude of our colonial domain, and especially the imposing aspects of some of its greater componentsthe Dominion, the Commonwealth, South Africa, New Zealandare apt to blind us to a feature of great strategical importance, and that is the abundance and excellence of the naval bases that stud our ocean lines of communication.

Romethat the spirit of the capitalist now penetrated and pervaded all other aspects and stations of life, and agriculture as well as the government of the state began to become enterprises of capitalists.

Amongst the many ebullitions of M. Michelet's fury against us poor English, are four which will be likely to amuse the reader; and they are the more conspicuous in collision with the justice which he sometimes does us, and the very indignant admiration which, under some aspects, he grants to us.

The galvanic cycle is broken up for ever: man's imperial nature no longer sends itself forward through the electric sensibility of the horse; the inter-agencies are gone in the mode of communication between the horse and his master, out of which grew so many aspects of sublimity under accidents of mists that hid, or sudden blazes that revealed, of mobs that agitated, or midnight solitudes that awed.

Turning to the industrial system for an explanation of the evils of "Sweating," we shall find three chief factors in the problem; three dominant aspects from which the question may be regarded.

Having now set forth the three aspects of the industrial disease of "Sweating"the excessive supply of unskilled labour, the multiplication of small employers, the irresponsibility of capitalwe have next to ask, What is the nature of the proposed remedies?

Since any full discussion of the different remedies is here impossible, it must suffice if we briefly indicate the application of the chief proposed remedies to the different aspects of the disease.

This is not the moment to dilate on that mighty place of education, which was the favourite school of Dickens and of Balzac, and turns out yearly many inglorious masters in the Science of the Aspects of Life.

His aphorisms be these, "Mercury in any geniture, if he shall be found in Virgo, or Pisces his opposite sign, and that in the horoscope, irradiated by those quartile aspects of Saturn or Mars, the child shall be mad or melancholy."

Our ships were every day crowded with people of different aspects and languages, and the natives were continually going up and down the river from one place to another, both men and women, in their almadias.

Some aspects of nature are essentially evil.

" SPEAKER."The book presents very vividly some of the aspects (both humorous and pathetic) of a Scottish rural lowland parish, and will doubtless touch a chord in the heart of Scotsmen throughout the world.

Family life, among ourselves, in its better aspects, has reached a higher plane than ever before in any people.

This may be achieved through many aspects of education, but especially through contact with noble souls in literature and history.

Maternal Instinct Aspects of the maternal instinct I had opportunity to observe in Gertie, who on February 27 gave birth to a male infant

There is a voluminous literature on many aspects of the organization and lives of the monkeys and apes, but when one searches in it for reasonably connected and complete descriptions of the organisms from any biological angle, one, is certain to meet disappointment.

Those different grounds have their particular advantages, according to the divers aspects of the sun.

Some aspects of the life of Jesus from the psychological and psycho-analytic point of view; translated by Eleanor Stimson Brooks and Van Wyck Brooks.

4500 examples of  aspects  in sentences