7 examples of assayer in sentences


How did it happen that the doctor's assistants had found the ore rich when the company's assayers East had proved it poor?

In the meantime, as an assayer's office is established there, I would respectfully submit for your consideration the propriety of authorizing gold bullion which has been assayed and stamped to be received in payment of Government dues.

Death is the great assayer of the sterling ore of talent.

One does not hasten to apply the assayer's acid to treasure trove.

In the same way the nummularii, or assayers of the coin, having a mass of it in their hands, would tend to develop a private business as well as their official public one.

"In a grip which he carried were a number of sacks, which he supposed contained gold dust, but held only taulk on its way to assayers in Denver.

7 examples of  assayer  in sentences