22 examples of assonates in sentences

Therefore, inflaman and pasa assonate in á-a; negros and creo in e-o.

Therefore, fábula and lágrimas assonate in á-a; trémulo and vértigo assonate in é-o. Words accented on the last syllable (agudas) cannot assonate with words accented on the penult (llanas), or with those accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas) or upon any preceding syllable.

Therefore, fábula and lágrimas assonate in á-a; trémulo and vértigo assonate in é-o. Words accented on the last syllable (agudas) cannot assonate with words accented on the penult (llanas), or with those accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas) or upon any preceding syllable.

Therefore, fábula and lágrimas assonate in á-a; trémulo and vértigo assonate in é-o. Words accented on the last syllable (agudas) cannot assonate with words accented on the penult (llanas), or with those accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas) or upon any preceding syllable.

Therefore, verte and duermes assonate in e-e; baile and parte assonate in a-e. Words llanas may assonate with words accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas).

Therefore, verte and duermes assonate in e-e; baile and parte assonate in a-e. Words llanas may assonate with words accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas).

Therefore, verte and duermes assonate in e-e; baile and parte assonate in a-e. Words llanas may assonate with words accented on the antepenult (esdrújulas).

Therefore, pórtico and olmos assonate in ó-o. For purposes of assonance little use is made of words accented on a syllable preceding the antepenult.

In a final accented or unaccented syllable u and i are absorbed, for purposes of assonance, by a preceding or following a, o, or e. Therefore, sabia and gratia assonate in á-a; igual and mar assonate in a, pleita and pliega assonate in é-a.

In a final accented or unaccented syllable u and i are absorbed, for purposes of assonance, by a preceding or following a, o, or e. Therefore, sabia and gratia assonate in á-a; igual and mar assonate in a, pleita and pliega assonate in é-a.

In a final accented or unaccented syllable u and i are absorbed, for purposes of assonance, by a preceding or following a, o, or e. Therefore, sabia and gratia assonate in á-a; igual and mar assonate in a, pleita and pliega assonate in é-a.

Therefore, Astárloa and Dánao assonate in á-a. a in a final unaccented syllable predominates over a preceding or following e in the same syllable.

Therefore, corpórea and rósea assonate in ó-a. o in a final unaccented syllable predominates over a preceding e in the same syllable.

Therefore, óleo and erróneo assonate in ó-o; but o in a final unaccented syllable is dominated by a following e in the same syllable, and the e counts in the assonance.

Therefore, héroe and veces assonate in é-e. When two weak vowels (i, u) are united in a diphthong, the second predominates.

Thus triunfo and chulo assonate in ú-o; cuido and bendito assonate in i-o.

Thus triunfo and chulo assonate in ú-o; cuido and bendito assonate in i-o.

Therefore, fácil and nave assonate in á-e; espíritu and líquido, in i-o. If ai occurs in a syllable after an a in the accented syllable, the i rather than the a of the diphthong counts in the assonance.

Therefore, cantares and trocabais assonate in á-e. If the accented vowel is not a, the a of ai counts in the assonance.

Therefore, Vicenta and quisierais assonate in é-a. Consonantal rhyme should not be introduced in compositions written in assonance.

Serventesios are strophes of four hendecasyllables, of which the first rhymes or assonates with the third, and the second with the fourth.

Versos sueltos (blank verse) are verses which do not assonate with the other contiguous verses, or with the nearest words in which the sense demands a pause.

22 examples of  assonates  in sentences