Do we say assume or presume

assume 2660 occurrences

Had he shown any disposition to head toward that particular corner Frank was ready to assume an attitude of indifference and appear to be engaged in some boyish game with his jack knife, tossing it up in the air, and causing the point of the long blade to stick upright in the ground.

When Don Juan had closed the door of the banquet hall and walked down the long corridor, which was both cold and dark, he compelled himself to assume a mask, for, in thinking of his rôle of son, he had cast off his merriment as he threw down his napkin.

We see, then, as a result of this imperfect and insincere innovation in penal legislation this flagrant contradiction, that the magistrates assume the existence of a free will, while the legislator has decided that it shall not be assumed.

This illustration is convincing, for in cases of other crimes one may always assume that the criminal acted without thinking of the future, even when he was not in a transport of passion.

This is the anthropological factor, which may assume a pathological form, in which case articles 46 and 47 of the penal code remember that there is such a thing as the personality of the criminal.

So far, his history shows nothing that can give him the right to assume so high and mighty a tone in speaking of his political opponents.

There is an amusing passage in which Mr. Choate would seem to assume to himself and those who agree with him the honors of martyrdom.

The most confidential ministers dared not assume any familiarity with the President.

In the case of almost every one of these diseases we have discovered the specific germ and are able to demonstrate its presence, either by its microscopical appearance, by its behavior on contact with certain stains, or by the forms that cultures of it assume.

Lastly, the establishment of State or municipal workshops for the "unemployed" has no economic connection with the "socialist" policy, by which the State or municipality should assume control and management of railways, mines, gas-works, tramways, and other works into which the element of monopoly enters.

Scarcely one out of ten has ever dared assume the responsibility of matrimony.

For to kill a man in a fair fight, is to prove that you are superior to him in strength or skill; and to justify the deed, you must assume that the right of the stronger is really a right.

"One who delights in the labour of the distaff, and beguiles the hours of labour with a song: her duties assume an air of virtuous beauty when she is busied at the wheel and the spindle with her maids.

To know God as God ([Greek: tòn Zaena], the living God) we must assume his personality: otherwise what were it but an ether, a gravitation?

but to assume his personality, we must begin with his humanity, and this is impossible but in history; for man is an historicalnot an eternal being.

At length, after the constant labour of twenty days, the fort began to assume a formidable appearance, and received the name of Fortaleza de San Jorge da Mina, or Fort St George at Mina.

"M. Sazonof hoped that the British Government would assume the direction of these discussions.

This threat was viewed by M. Sazonof as an additional reason for taking all precautions; 'since we cannot accede to Germany's desire, the only course open to us is to accelerate our own preparations and to assume that war is probably inevitable.'

Preliminaries relative to the time when I can assume my connection with you must be the subject of future communications.

A gentleman who had recently lost his wife wanted a house-keeper and governess for his two little girls,the offices to be united in the person of "a lady by birth, education, and associations"; to such a liberal salary would be given; and in case she should be in straitened circumstances, a reasonable advance would be made, "to enable the lady to assume at once the position of a respected member of his family."

[Footnote: The comitia curiata, or assemblies of the curiae, alone had the power of conferring military command; no magistrate, therefore, could assume the command without the previous order of their assembly.

Johnson errs in supposing that his logical tests are at all adequate; but it is, I think, a still greater error to assume that poetry has no connexion, because it has not this kind of connexion, with philosophy.

The act would be entirely pacific, as the object would be to ascertain factsmuch more pacific than the survey, without notice, of the St. Andrews and Quebec Railroad through our territory, not for the purpose of ascertaining a boundary, but to assume jurisdiction.

Matilde had risen, however, and had moved a step forward to meet the visitor, speaking at the same time, as though to direct him to herself, with the somewhat maternal air which even young women sometimes assume in greeting old men.

"There are plenty of recurring symbols, so I assume it's a language like our own, with letters and words.

presume 1746 occurrences

I presume I can, by old records somewhere.

Oh, how dare we presume to be so sure that the flowers are not glad as we are glad!

For if one is asked whether one understands Hegel, one is tempted to answer, like the pious Scotch lady when her friends enquired whether she had understood the minister's sermon, "Hech, sirs, d'ye think I'd presume?"

I'd be a yellow dog to presume on it.

I could not to presume so!"

"Yes, sir," replied he; "that you never presume to touch your hat to me again, unless we sail together, and then that's a different sort of thing.

" "Our negroes, and I presume other negroes too, are very little less sensible to the force of those motives which lead to the peace, order, and welfare of society, than any other set of people.

When I state that my name is A. Bratley Chylde, I presume that I am already sufficiently introduced.

The literature on which I propose to comment, is that which I may reasonably presume to be the popular literature of the masses, because it is the staple commodity for sale on all railways and steamboats.

None ought to presume.

This, as it seemed to presume equality with them, scandalized them greatly, and I was ordered into the ranks.

When we had hoisted it on board, a proceeding that required pretty strong tackle and several hands, it was flayed, yielding a hide of extraordinary thickness, lined on the inside with blubber, and scantily covered externally with short reddish brown hair, the greatest part of its skin appearing to have been denuded of this clothing by eruptive blotches, such as I presume disfigure a measly hog.

"Whether they were at first periodical or occasional, we will not presume to determine, though the latter is, we think, the most probable.

I offer the following flim-flam to the examination of your readers, all of whom are, I presume, more or less, readers of Shakspeare, and far better qualified than I am to "anatomize" his writings, and "see what bred about his heart.

I hope I do not presume too much in writing thus.

But why should the many women who are devoid of the physical qualities of human nature presume to lay claim to perfection and to regard the normal woman as a suspicious character?

There is, I presume, no doubt that, from 1772, Past Masters had held a seat in the Athol Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons, and that they did not in the original Grand Lodge, is, I believe, a fact equally indisputable.

" I acknowledged the apology somewhat stiffly and asked: "You are Mr. Weiss, I presume?"

"At the inquest he described himself as a stockbroker, so I presume he is still connected with the bucket-shop.

Ref., to think, to reflect; qui-mati noyollo, I presume, I doubt; nonno-mati, I attach myself to a person or thing.

If I should desire to tell him, how could I presume upon his good-nature?the good-nature of a general of a division, whose office was high and whose time was invaluable, and who, as I knew well, tolerated my presence for a few moments only, in order that he might accomplish a purpose.

I presume that in this suggestion, I express the sentiments of my fellow citizens here assembled."

The tone was gay, but there was something more in it, and the girl replied: "That depends upon the lady, I presume; both styles may be varied at her pleasure.

You know he deeded his share of his father's land to his brother, to provide a home for his mother, and I presume will remain, both from choice and necessity, with her for the present.

I presume, and achieved great things in spite of it; but

Do we say   assume   or  presume