144 examples of aster in sentences

We were just completing our portage and I was absorbed in the plants, admiring the leaves of the aster macrophyllus, ten inches wide, and plucking the seeds of the great round-leaved orchis, when Joe exclaimed from the stream that he had killed a moose.

Half a mile above this, at a place where I saw the aster puniceus and the beaked hazel, as we paddled along, Joe, hearing a slight rustling amid the alders, and seeing something black about two rods off, jumped up and whispered, "Bear!"

Even the goldenrod has fallen to rust, and the stars of the aster are already tarnished.

On one of these most beautiful autumnal days, Ralph and his mother went driving through the country roads, gathering golden-rod and purple aster and the fleecy immortelle.

No one can see it without being reminded of a flower, an Aster or Daisy, with a thick stalk and many coloured petals; but, knowing how it is made, and how it lives, we place it in the Animal Kingdom, though among the lowliest members of that Kingdom.

Cael is a great city governed by Aster, one of the four brethren, who is very rich and kind to merchants.

E. This obscure expression seems to imply, that Aster was one of the four kings in Moabar, or the Carnatic.

During his residence there, the prince-royal of Prussia was married to his present majesty's sister; and soon aster that prince set out with his lordship for the confederate army.

And I could grow on like the foxglove and aster, For some things are ill to wait.

"Now, anyone, except you who know something of my methods of investigation, might consider all this a piece of useless and foolish superstition; but you all remember the Black Veil case, in which I believe my life was saved by a very similar form of protection, whilst Aster, who sneered at it, and would not come inside, died.

"I asked him whether he would object to my drawing a pentacle 'round him for the night and got him to agree, but I saw that he did not know whether to be superstitious about it or to regard it more as a piece of foolish mumming; but he took it seriously enough when I gave him some particulars about the Black Veil case, when young Aster died.

Addison, who was probably unacquainted with the flower described by Virgil, represents the Italian aster as a purple bush, with yellow flowers, instead of telling us that the flower had a yellow disk and purple rays.

The cynical Swift stoops to change Miss Waring into Varina; Esther (quasi Aster, a star)

Monarchs, Anita, feeding on purple aster, fluttering up, sun glowing orange, brown, bronze through black edged wings, twenty joining twenty joining a hundred, down, up, over, from color to color to Mexico.

Later, when all verdure is profusely expanded, these miniature strokes would be lost, and Nature then practises landscape-gardening in large, lights up the copses with great masses of White Alder, makes the roadsides gay with Aster and Golden-Rod, and tops the tall coarse Meadow-Grass with nodding Lilies and tufted Spiraea.

Their route lay for the most part through open glades amid a huge pine forest, with a green sward beneath their feet, made beautiful by the white euphorbia, the golden rod, and the purple aster.

It is truly an original poem,as genuine a product of our soil as a golden-rod or an aster.

[Illustration] Here's the purple aster, And the golden-rod, And the blue fringed gentian, By the meadow sod.

Aster argophyllus and obovatus, Labill.

Aster phlogopappus, of the same eminent author, was recently remarked upon the more elevated parts of the Blue Mountain Range, on the margin of a remarkable cataract.

The rose will redden in the bog, The aster on the hill Her everlasting fashion set, And covenant gentians frill, Till summer folds her miracle As women do their gown, Or priests adjust the symbols When sacrament is done.

The STARWORT, Aster, is a hardy flowering plant not very attractive, except as it yields blossoms at all seasons, if the foot stalks are cut off as soon as the flower has faded, there are very numerous varieties of this plant which is, in Europe a perennial, but it is preferable to treat it here as only biennial, otherwise it degenerates.

566 Aster corymbosus Purple-stalk Aster c.m. 567 - paniculatus Smooth-stalked panicled ditto c.m.

566 Aster corymbosus Purple-stalk Aster c.m. 567 - paniculatus Smooth-stalked panicled ditto c.m.

197 Aster alpinus Alpine Star-wort l.b.

144 examples of  aster  in sentences