487 examples of astounds in sentences

Surprise, astonish, amaze, astound.

"It's the secrecy of the thing that astounds me most, sir," he added.

That is what astounds me, Jeevesthat it should be Gussie who has been putting in all this heavy gesture-making stuff.

Cromwell was not the meteor which surprises and astounds by the rapidity and brilliancy of its course.

To conclude, Jack springs up as one enamoured to madness and flings out his last steps with such vigour and agility as to quite astound all.

Each time it invariably overwhelms and astounds.

In destroying the Colonne Vendôme, do not imagine that you are simply overthrowing a bronze column surmounted by the statue of an emperor; you disinter the remains of your forefathers to shake their fleshless bones, and say to them, "You were wrong in being brave and proud and great; you were wrong to conquer towns, to win battles; you were wrong to astound the universe by raising the vision of France glorified.

"You astound me, Fair Unknown," said "A."; "but what about it, anyway?"

The splendour of the monument, the exquisite neatness with which it is kept, will astound you, considering that we live in a period of Wordsworth worship.

As his biographer Delmotte says, "His life indeed had been the most toilsome that one could think of, and his fecund imagination, always alert, had enfanté a multitude of compositions so great that their very number astounds us (they exceeded two thousand), and forbids us almost to believe them the work of one man.

Yet, born as if all daring to astound, Thy giant hand, oh Angelo, hath hurl'd E'en human forms, with all their mortal weight, Down the dread voidfall endless as their fate!

' 'My dear, you astound me!

They employ several verbs that are not used in prose, or are used but rarely; as, appal, astound, brook, cower, doff, ken, wend, ween, trow.

At one season he wafts us to the balmy climes of Indianext he astounds us with the icy sublimities of the Pole (a fine summer panorama, by the way)then to the glittering spires, minarets, and mosques of Constantinoplethen to the infant world of New Hollandand back to the Old World, to enjoy scenes and sites which are hallowed in memory's fond shrine, by their association with the most glorious names and events in our history.

These thoughts may startle well, but not astound

All I know is that this story we have heard simply astounds me.

THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWERS OF LOVE, UNDER CONDITION OF PROXIMITY. When thou art near, the hemisphere Commissioned to surround me, (As well as you,) is subject to Some changes that astound me.

He wrote to Voltaire, "Your effrontery astounds me after that which you have just done, and which is as clear as daylight.

But above all in her lust for him and her contempt for him the unique figure of Doña Sol astounds.

Our Middle Ages produced a cultivated, industrious and civilised people like none other in the world; they had in them the materials for the building of a great nation; but foreign architects came in who hastily ran up this edifice; those first few years of existence that astound you with the splendour of novelty, and among whose ruins we are still groping.

It is this immensity that astounds us with its greatness, and that cannot be realised in our minds.

The occasion of one of these starts of growth is always some novelty that astounds the mind, and provokes it to dare to change.

Kane, a delicate invalid, astounds the world by his two Arctic winters,and then dies in tropical Cuba."

" "These startling statements are decidedly unconventional," said Mr. Punch, turning towards his fair companion, "and that your influence should cause them to be made, astounds me.

You will benefit yourself, and also astound and help your friends.

487 examples of  astounds  in sentences