9 examples of asymptotes in sentences

Convergence N. convergence, confluence, concourse, conflux^, congress, concurrence, concentration; convergency; appulse^, meeting; corradiation^. assemblage &c 72; resort &c (focus) 74; asymptote.

Attempts have been made to attain the desired aim by artificial constitutions and systematic codes of law; but they are not in complete touch with the factsthey remain an asymptote, for the simple reason that hard and fast conceptions never embrace all possible cases, and cannot be made to meet individual instances.

E. A narrow strip of ground, railed off and carefully levelled, for investigating the properties of Asymptotes, and testing practically whether Parallel Lines meet or not: for this purpose it should reach, to use the expressive language of Euclid, "ever so far.

It will at once be seen that Ez is less than Dx, and that since the normal at P is vertical and infinite, the evolute of DPE will consist of two branches xN, zM, to which the vertical normal PL is a common asymptote.

Beginning at A', the instantaneous axis moves downward and to the right, as the crank travels from A in the direction of the arrow, until it becomes vertical, when the axis will be found upon C'R, at an infinite distance below AB', the locus for this quarter of the revolution being a curve A'G, to which C'R is an asymptote.

24, the vertical line through C' being a common asymptote.

Any persons whom it could please have no better notion of what the words referred to signify than of the meaning of apsides and asymptotes.

[Footnote 2: The Asymptotes of the Hyperbola.

ASYMPTOTE, a line always approaching some curve but never meeting it.

9 examples of  asymptotes  in sentences