16 examples of at your expense in sentences

Cousin Hamilton, who is very eccentric, has taken a fancy to this boy, and she is going to confer favors upon him at your expense.

Really; I must get up a little smile at your expense, for you could not better please an artist, in the composing of your features, if you were sitting for your picture.

The lady asked several questions, and then, turning to the old gentleman, said, "Dear uncle, may I be generous at your expense?" taking off the coat that she was wearing as she spoke, and laying it softly above him.

Now, Slayton, we'll agree to git you full legal control of these yere claims if you'll develop them at your expense, an' gin Davidson and me a third interest between us fer our influence.

He is altogether inclined to operate in his own name, so much so that he has had printed five hundred blank invitations in his own name at your expense.

I held on to the boy, thinking I'd get more out of it later, and he slid out of my hands like an eel and I had nothing to show for it, until you came along and I saw a chance to make a new deal at your expense.

"But I've had rather a jolly time at your expense.

A self-respecting "bearer" will employ somebody at your expense to do everything he can avoid doing and will never demean himself by carrying a trunk, or a bag, or even a parcel.

" "He is the worse for drink; but he is sober enough to know how to amuse himself at your expense," said Conolly, aloud.

We cannot make ourselves over and turn Amazons at your expense.

"The man you want?" "Fernand," said Mark, without explaining, "those youngsters have gone out there to make some money at your expense.

You'll have a chance to get used to ranching before they come in or they might amuse themselves at your expense.

Our son, the demure little rogue, will play around us, and help me invent mischief at your expense.

Right y'are; and I'll do meself the honour to lunch wid ye, at your expense.

"Ah," I said, "but look at your expenses, compared to mine.

Every time you fall ill, I believe Mrs. Austin gains strength and energy at your expense.

16 examples of  at your expense  in sentences