55 examples of atelier in sentences

He had dabbled a little in costly manuscriptsa taste for an exquisite in those days, when Venice was the envy of the world for the marvels of her press; and already he possessed a volume or two, for his cabinet, from the atelier of Aldus Manutiusthat famous edition of Aristotle, the first ever printed in Greek, with the Aldine mark of anchor and dolphin on the title-page.

A friend of mine had an atelier once in the top of a house in the Rue St. Honoré.

The atelier of the famous artist in mosaic Rafaelli is well worth inspecting; and here I had an opportunity of beholding a copy in mosaic and nearly finished of the celebrated picture of Leonardo da Vinci representing the Caena Domini.

But it yet remains for me to speak of the most interesting exhibition that modern Rome can boast, and of the most interesting person in it and in all Italy, and that is the atelier of Canova and Canova himself, the greatest sculptor, perhaps, either of ancient or modern times, except the mighty unknown who conceived and executed the Apollo of the Vatican.

In the atelier of Canova the most remarkable statues I observed are: a group of Hector and Ajax of colossal size, not quite finished; a Centaur, also colossal; a Hebe; two Ballerine or dancing girls, one of which rivetted my attention most particularly.

Were it given to me to chuse for myself among all the statues in the atelier of Canova, I should chuse these three, viz., the Ballerina, the Nymph reclining, and this group of the Graces.

Among the other statues in this atelier the most prominent are: a statue of the Princess Leopoldina Esterhazy in the attitude of drawing on a tablet with this inscription: Anch'io voglio tentar l'arte del bello.

On my return to Rome I shall not think of revisiting the greater number of the palazzi, villas and churches; but there are some things I shall very frequently revisit and these are the two Museums of the Vatican and of the Capitol, St Peter's, the Coliseum and antiquities in its neighbourhood, the Pantheon, and last but not least the atelier of the incomparable Canova.

The Mr. Habersham here jokingly referred to was R.W. Habersham, of Augusta, Georgia, who in the year 1831 was an art student in the atelier of Baron Gros, and between whom and Morse a friendship sprang up.

Undaunted, however, Labrouste established an atelier in Paris, to which flocked many intelligent students, sympathizing with the courage which could be so strong in the conviction of truth as to brave in its defence the displeasure of the powerful hierarchy of the School.

The walls of his atelier were covered with his canvases, and in front of the house he had a number of sculptures in wood.

Far down we can distinguish a line of field-handsthe whole atelier, as it is called, of a plantationslowly descending a slope, hewing the canes as they go.

We visited to-day the atelier of Sohwanthaler, which is always open to strangers.

M. Gros, who, it seems, had for some unrecorded reason closed his atelier against him, was so touched by his fine works, that he ere long recalled him with commendations; and, in the presence of his pupils, said, he considered it an honour to have him in his studio.

In Stockholm she received instruction from the sculptor Ovarnström and the painter Ekman; after her father's death she went to Paris and entered the atelier of Cogniet, and later did some work under the direction of her countrymen Wickenberg and Wahlbom.

Bracquemond, whose pieces were almost always sold from the atelier before being fired, so great was her success.

Studied at Art Students' League, New York, and at Colarossi Atelier, Paris.

When still a child, at the age when little girls play with dolls, she was in her father's atelier, working in clay with an irresistible fondness for this occupation, and without relaxation making one little object after another, until she acquired that admirable surety of execution that one admires in her worka quality sometimes lacking in the work of both men and women sculptors.

She then studied six months in the Atelier School at Strasbourg, and finally became a pupil of Dubois at Arras.

Fräulein Ley receives young women students in her atelier in Karlsruhe.

After Madame O'Connell removed to Paris she opened a large atelier and received many pupils.

His departure left Titian, his associate under Giorgione, master of the field; he, too, had a hand in finishing some of the work left incomplete in the atelier, and his privilege it became to continue the Giorgionesque tradition, and to realise in utmost perfection in after years the aspirations and ideals so brilliantly anticipated by the young genius of Castelfranco.

They discussed the personnel of the life-school Fenwick was attending, the opening of a new atelier in North London by a well-known Academician, the successes at the current 'Academy,' the fame of certain leading artists.

Emile did not like me to go to his atelier so often; and the gentleman gave me a shawl (such a pretty shawl!) and a canary in a lovely green and gold cage; and...." "And Emile objected ?"

Thus, he discovered that she had died the previous year and that I was working in the atelier of Madame Cécile, the well-known milliner.

55 examples of  atelier  in sentences