6 examples of atia in sentences

As he travelled slowly toward the city he stayed some days at Puteoli with his mother, Atia, who was now married to L. Philippus.

Finally, it confirms and explains the writ de odio et atia, the predecessor of the modern habeas corpus.

Some writers have doubted whether this writ existed as a practical remedy much before the Statute of Charles II; but here it says that parties indicted, etc., are to have the writ de odio et atia "lest they be kept long in prison, like as it is declared in Magna Charta."

De odio et atia, writ of, explained in statute of Westminster II.

Habeas Corpus act, foreshadowed in Magna Charta, its predecessor, writ de odio et atia suspension of, by Lincoln, etc. Harvard, John, residence in Southwark, Harvard University, recognized in the Massachusetts Constitution, Hat-pins, legislation against, Hawkins's, definition of conspiracy in pleas of the crown, Health (see Pure Food Laws, Police Power).

Liberties, charter of (see Charter), declared by early statutes; restoration of in England; personal, secured by writs de odio et atia and habeas corpus.

6 examples of  atia  in sentences