966 examples of atom in sentences

"Each and every prakritic atom is the center of an etheric molecule," says our Western science; but that of the East adds this: "And each atom of that etheric molecule is the center of a pranic molecule, and each atom of prana in that pranic molecule is the center of a manasic molecule."

"Each and every prakritic atom is the center of an etheric molecule," says our Western science; but that of the East adds this: "And each atom of that etheric molecule is the center of a pranic molecule, and each atom of prana in that pranic molecule is the center of a manasic molecule."

" "When the prakritic atom is vibrating in chord with its etheric envelope," say our textbooks, "we have physical phenomena light, heat, electricity."

When the atom and its ether, prana, and manasa are vibrating in chord, we have mind and mental phenomena added to the life and energy.

" Each atom has energy, life, and mind in posse.

This unity of the physical universe with the physical atom, and with all things createdearth, animal, or crystalis the physical backbone of Oriental metaphysics.

In fact, each atom of "physical" matterby which is meant matter in the first conditionfloats in an atmosphere of ether as the solid earth floats in its atmosphere of air.

And it has an atmosphere of ether which not only interpenetrates the atom as oxygen and hydrogen interpenetrate the drop of water, but furnishes it with an envelope as the oxygen and hydrogen furnish the drop of water with one.

The etheric plane of matter not only unites with this prakritic plane through the atom but it interpenetrates all combinations of it; beside the atom as well as through the atom.

As each atom of this physical world of ourswhether of land, or water, or air; whether of solid, liquid or gasis the centre of an etheric molecule, we have two worlds, not one: a physical world and an etheric one; a visible world and an invisible world; a tangible world and an intangible world; a world of effect and a world of cause.

Each physical atom is as far apart from every other atom as the stars in heaven from one anotherin proportion to their size.

As the vibration of the physical atom must be in harmony with that of its etheric atmosphere, any change coming to one will be imparted to the next, and the next, through the ether surrounding them.

It is not alone each atom of the bar of iron that is surrounded by the ether, but each atom of the air, and each atom of your body.

"If this earth and all that it is composed ofland or ocean or air; man or beast; pyramid or pavementcould be resolved into the physical atoms composing everything in it or on it created by God or man, each atom of this dust would be identical physically.

"Let us return again to the physical dust, the atom.

When the atom of prana was formed, it had an envelope of manasa.

Your physical atom is surrounded by a molecule of ether, this molecule containing many atoms of ether.

But do you not see that all vital phenomena come from the chording vibration of the pranic, etheric, and prakritic atom of the three planes of matter which are in each atom?

"Each atom of prakriti you say has the potentiality of some kind of phenomenon.

"Each atom of prana is formed from manasa, exactly as ether was formed from prana, and each pranic atom in the universe is the centre of a manasic molecule, having an atmosphere of manasic atoms.

That you do not consider the atom as four-fold instead of two-fold is your own fault.

of atolondrar, perplexed, confused; giddy, wild, heedless. átomo, m., atom, particle.

Know you not what an atom you are compared with the whole?that is, as regards your body, since as regards your reason you are no whit inferior to, or less than the gods.

"It's positively depressing," sighed Jess, "to know that people have done mean things and not be able to get an atom of proof against them.

" He saw that she was fighting to impress upon him the truth of her well-nigh unbelievable statement, that every atom of her brain strove desperately to convince him.

966 examples of  atom  in sentences