Do we say attain or obtain

attain 1582 occurrences

He that paddles looks ahead, and the approach is more easily regulated, when the whole of the boat's crew are apprised, by means of their own senses, of the actual state of things, than when they attain their ideas of them through the orders of an officer.

Through griefs and joys, each sad and sweet, Thou shalt attain the end; Till then a goddess incomplete O evermore my friend!

30 Would you true happiness attain, Let honesty your passions rein; So live in credit and esteem, And the good name you lost, redeem.'

He would seize what he wanted, since he could attain his end in no other way.

A British Parliament should attain not only the best ends, but by the wisest means.

He was persuaded they would act wisely to attain the end pointed out to them.

Brain workers in business and industry feel deeply the need of greater mental efficiency and seek eagerly for means to attain it.

In academic terms this means that in order to attain a grade of 95 in college you will have to work much harder than you did for that grade in high school, for here you have not only more difficult subject-matter, but also keener competition for the first place.

At other times we are called upon to use the knowledge we already possess in order to attain some end that is set before us."

"Bounded by themselves, and unregardful In what state God's other works may be, In their own tasks all their powers pouring, These attain the mighty life you see.

Perhaps it is best that finite beings should not attain infinite success.

But he who loves himself the last And knows the use of pain, Though strewn with errors all his past, He surely shall attain.

But since the journey of Carl Semper it has been known that not only Malays but also Negritos tattoo; indeed, this admirable explorer has decided that the "Negroes of the East Coast" practice a different method of tattooing from that of the Mariveles in the west, and on that account they attain different results.

Did she, like these holy women, attain the end?

Pilate was quite provoked at the intense hatred which their words and countenances expressed and, turning from them with a look of scorn, exclaimed, 'You most certainly must wish to follow his doctrines and to attain eternal life, for you are thirsting for both his body and blood.'

Salvestro de' Medici was master of the situationthe first of his family to attain the virtual, if not the real, control of the State.

If one Messer arrived at some degree of prominence, then the best way for him to attain his end was to pit himself against another of his class nearest to him in influence.

For he felt, besides, at odds with Heaven itself, in that he had not been able to attain his goal in an undertaking of so great magnitude, involving the overthrow of Nero and the liberation of the Romans.

But Joe caught Brick before he could attain his end, and together they rolled over and over in the dirt, locked in each other's arms.

"When her vex'd infant to her bosom clings, "When round her neck his eager arms he flings; "Breathes to her list'ning soul his melting sigh, "And lifts suffus'd with tears his asking eye! "Will she for all ambition can attain, "The charms of pleasure, or the lures of gain, "Betray strong Nature's feelings, will she prove "Cold to the claims of duty, and of love?

No country is free in which the way upward is not open for every man to try, and for every properly qualified man to attain whatever of good the community life may offer.

Might the master, then, in order more fully to attain the great ends for which he was created and redeemed, freely exert himself to increase his acquaintance with his own powers, and relations, and resourceswith his prospects, opportunities, and advantages?

The long struggle between von Kühlmann and the generals has ended in the fall of the Minister; but not before he had indicated to the Reichstag the possibility of another Thirty Years' War, and asserted that no intelligent man ever entertained the wish that Germany should attain world-domination.

Some trees attain large size in a swampy country.

" A hard saying, indeed, seems this same; that he, whose other wants were all beforehand supplied; to whose capabilities no problem was presented except even this, How to cultivate them to best advantage, should attain less real culture than he whose first grand problem and obligation was nowise spiritual culture, but hard labour for his daily bread!

obtain 6917 occurrences

A few years ago breeders were inclined to mar the beauty of the Deerhound by a too anxious endeavour to obtain great size rather than to preserve the genuine type; but this error has been sufficiently corrected, with the result that symmetry and elegance conjoined with the desired attributes of speed are not sacrificed.

He is rushing wildly back again, to try if he can obtain any clue at the steam-boat pier, through the narrow, dirty street at the back of the Rhine Cavalier, when he is stopped short by a mighty German embrace, and a German kiss on either cheek, as the kiss of a housemaid's broom; while a jolly voice shouts in English: "Ah, my dear, dear friend!

But I shall do my best to obtain you one, when an opportunity offers" Tom was beginning his profusest thanks: for was not his fortune made?

She presented herself one day at Mark Armsworth's house in Whitbury, and humbly begged him to obtain her a place as servant to old Dr. Thurnall.

During the war, many Americans were employed to obtain information about the enemy.

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" "If he does," said another freshman, "he will be able to obtain a dress suit down at Cohen's, price 'von tollar ber efenin' to shentlemen.'

It is said the negroes intended to rise as soon as the sickly season began, and obtain possession of the city by massacring the white population.

[Footnote A: "How," says Marforio to Pasquino, "shall I, being a true son of the Holy Church, obtain admittance to her services?"

Places in the king's navy are not easy to obtain.

In the "History of South Carolina and Georgia," vol. 1, p. 120, is the following: "So laborious is the task of raising, beating, and cleaning rice, that had it been possible to obtain European servants in sufficient numbers, thousands and tens of thousands MUST HAVE PERISHED.

Dr. WITHERSPOON (of New-Jersey) was of opinion, that the value of lands and houses was the best estimate of the wealth of a nation, and that it was practicable to obtain such a valuation.

" Biting his lips with vexation, Mr. Carrollton tried first by persuasion, then by flattery, and lastly by threats, to obtain from her the desired information, but in vain.

When the particulars concerning this remarkable fish were circulated, many persons came from different parts of Kent, and even from London, to obtain a sight of it.

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"There is one condition," said he, "upon which you may obtain some mitigation of your future calamity.

I must say, Jack took it all in good humour, and filing a bill "STOMACH v. RIBS," left it to Old Neptune to obtain restitution for injuries inflicted on his sons.

A short time before, Mr. Griswold advised me to publish a small volume of youthful effusions, a few of which had appeared in Graham's Magazine, which he then edited; the idea struck me, that by so doing, I might, if they should be favorably noticed, obtain a newspaper correspondence which would enable me to make the start.

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But it is due to truth, to correct erroneous impressions; and, in order to obtain from some an impartial examination of the following pages, it seemed necessary first to convince them, that it is possible to compose a better grammar than Murray's, without being particularly indebted to him.

Do we say   attain   or  obtain