5322 examples of attitudes in sentences

Connoisseurs find the attitudes too stiff and talk to you of the Italian school; but I prefer these; yet I had better hold my tongue on this subject, for I am told I know nothing about painting.

After the excitement of finding all these things had died, and the five men were grouped about the place in ungraceful but comfortable attitudes, Bennington bid for the sympathy he had sought in this visit.

For impressing the imagination of her audience she relied mainly on her own imagination and her voice; striking no attitudes, and allowing herself nothing of that facial distortion which is the resort of the unimaginative, and destroys not creates illusion.

Her dress, her coiled cendré hair, her soft smile, her very attitudes, seemed to wear a curious expression of everlastingness.

In their metal work, their carvings in ivory and stone, and more particularly as parts in the designs on their terra-cotta oil bottles, wine coolers, and other vases, the Greyhound is frequently to be seen, sometimes following the hare, and always in remarkably characteristic attitudes.

At the conclusion the author says that Mr. Payne Knight told the directors it was the custom of the Greek nobility to strip and exhibit themselves naked to the artists in various attitudes, that they might have an opportunity of studying fine form.

The only other object of much interest was a Pompeian fresco, representing two actors, whose attitudes and masks are so strikingly adapted to express the first scene of the "Heautontimorumenos," between Menalcas and Chremes, that it seems scarcely doubtful that this is actually the subject of the painting.

The staircase leading up to the entrance hall was probably the safest spot in the building, covered as it was by a heavy arch, and it was soon packed with people in attitudes more or less restful.

Her face was bidden by her veil; but her father knew her state of feeling, as well by her movements and attitudes as by the expression of her features.

And I looked and saw the forms of men in different attitudes.

In the first, the figure is perhaps robust, but often otherwise,inelegant, partly from careless attitudes, partly from ill-dressing,the face is uncouth in feature, or at least common,the mouth coarse and unformed,the eye unsympathetic, even if bright,the movements of the face clumsy, like those of the limbs,the voice unmusical,and the enunciation as if the words were coarse castings, instead of fine carvings.

Nature, too, had endowed her with fine lines of beauty, attitudes of grace, movements of dignity and love, and all the charmfulness that had learned its shapes from flowers and its arts from birds.

It was too much to expect that the great Jocelyn could concentrate on any but his own mental attitudes.

Marty Burke had been a symbol that enabled her to recall some of her former attitudes of mind.

Race attitudes in children.

War and the poet: an anthology of poetry expressing man's attitudes to war from ancient times to the present.

Race attitudes in children.

This we had a good deal of trouble in crossing, the ladies being borne on the broad backs of coolies, in attitudes more quaint than graceful.

During the fourteenth century, however, questions of literary taste began to be discussed and there arose a new type of Sanskrit treatise, showing how different kinds of lover should be treated in poetry and illustrating the correct attitudes by carefully chosen verses.

The style with its curving sumptuous forms is more a clue to general Bengali interests than to any special attitudes to Krishna, but the pictures, strangely parallel in style to the work of the modern artist Fernand Léger, have a robust gaiety and bounding vigour, not inappropriate to the Krishna theme.

It is rather that in painting these pictures, he has treated Krishna as a symbol of rural vitality, a figure whose boisterous career among the cowherds is an exact reflection of his own attitudes and enthusiasms.

The left-hand side of the picture shows the two lovers embracingthe change in their attitudes being reflected in their altered heights.

ng attitudes with which two people here very amicably adjust a bargain for five livres.

She could not hear what they were saying, but their attitudes confirmed her apprehension.

The three eldersfather, mother, and husbandsitting sedately on three rustic chairs on the dry gravel-walk, and we young ones lying about in different attitudes of restful ease, on rugs and cloaks that we have spread upon the dewy grass.

5322 examples of  attitudes  in sentences