49 examples of attract them in sentences

Clambering plants, burdened with blossoms, fragrant as honeysuckle, grew all along the bank, and the bush that had attracted them was no longer a landmark.

Nothing but the glorious reflection that he was making himself a martyr for Morgianna's sake could have induced the officer to take the torches and wade to the low bushes, where he was instructed to make a light and wait until his companion rowed around the island and drove the ducks in great flocks to the light, which he assured the Briton would attract them, and they would fall at his feet as if begging to be bagged.

Fragments of bait thrown into the water soon attract them to a fishing ground, and at depths which little or no light can penetrate.

Few friends regretted her loss, for her manner was so haughty that she did not attract them.

There was a kind of cold-hearted selfishness on both sides, which mutually attracted them; and they sympathised with each other in an insipid propriety of demeanour and a general want of understanding.

Nor would those fashionable people, whom the world calls "great," have seen much to attract them in a homely and unconventional woman whose views were discrepant with the established social and religious institutions of the land.

The church had become too lukewarm and respectable to bring in the masses, who saw more to attract them in taverns and places of public amusement.

Several of the male guests were particularly attentive to the dainty, sweet-faced girl whose charming manner and fresh beauty attracted them.

I could display this upon the cactus-bushes, perhaps it would attract them.

You expect, I presume, to have pupils from the South as heretofore; will such a sectional display be likely to attract them or to repel them?

As was natural, what attracted them in the Middle Ages was not their resemblances to the time they lived in, but the points in which the two differed.

From the beginning Simpson had preached more of hell than of heaven; he could not help doing so, for he held eternal punishment to be more imminent than eternal joy, and thought it a finer thing to scare people into heaven than to attract them thither.

The atmosphere and nerve communications of others, said she, bring me the life which I need; they do not feel it; these effusions on which I live, would flow from them and be lost, if my nerves did not attract them; only in this way can I live.

The "sceptered isle" is still in a sense their mother-country, and a thousand ancestral ties attract them to its shores.

The heat of the sun attracted them as it does the clouds and raised him high in the air.

Now he has reflected that his first object is to interest his audience in the action and passion of the piece,at the very outset, if possible, to catch their fancies and draw them into the mimic life of the play,to beguile and attract them without their knowing it.

We'll pull the hoods of our parkas over our heads, an' turn our faces away so's not to attract 'em.

Anything, in short, that happens to be the rage will attract them, but there is little that is genuine about them, except the eagerness for a new excitement.

The first Raja heard about this and made a plan to attract them to the place where he lived.

It is chiefly the strength of a man and the courage that goes with it that attract them, for both of these promise the generation of robust children and at the same time a brave protector for them.

Nothing was left untried to attract them, not to Meaux any longer, but to Orleans, whither the meeting of the states-general had been transferred.

What can they see to attract 'em to town?' "Neat, in its way," commented Miss Sally, pausing.

Our men endeavoured to attract them by gestures and signs, and gentle words, and one of them, fascinated by the gifts which they exhibited from a distance, approached, but no nearer than a neighbouring rock.

Seeing that he could not attract them by his presents, the Admiral ordered his trumpets and flutes to be played, on the largest ship, and the men to dance and sing a chorus.

I can't see what in thunder they find to attract them.

49 examples of  attract them  in sentences