7 examples of ature in sentences

Joseph was as skilful with his rod as with a shaker, and he would catch twenty ature, four or five inches long, in half an hour.

He could keep one eye open only, as one hand was occupied, but he pulled in many ature.

Auhopu Ature Ahuru Au aavere Atoti Anae Ioio Aoa-Ropa Apai Mahimahi Faia

As a kilo is two and a fifth pounds, the ature that Joseph caught by the Quai de Commerce, being in the third category, would cost, under the ukase, less than ten cents a pound.

A LONG SOUND, When the Syllable ends with a Vowel, either in Monosyllables, or in Words of more Syllables; as, t=ake, w=e, =I, g=o, n=il; or, as, N=ature, N=ero, N=itre, N=ovice, N=uisance.

In the middle of their sitting-room, with the worst done-for look yet, standing behind a frail chair whose back she gripped with both hands, she meditatively said "All privieuse statement' ab-out that court-martial on the 'vacuation of Ford Powell are prim-ature.

The ancient litter-ature, I am sorry to confess, I sold as waste paper, at so much per pound; but to show that some lingering regard for at least two of Cambria's institutions yet reigns in this bosom, I am just about to begin upon a Welsh rabbit, and wash it down with a pitcher of cwrw dach.

7 examples of  ature  in sentences