19 examples of auk in sentences

THE DUCK.This bird belongs to the order of Natatores, or Swimmers; the most familiar tribes of which are ducks, swans, geese, auks, penguins, petrels, pelicans, guillemots, gulls, and terns.

" [Footnote 1: The Auk, vol.

The extinction of the Labrador duck and the great auk have often been deplored.

The last skeleton of the great auk was sold for $600, the last skin for $650, and the last egg brought the fabulous sum of $1,500.


A is an Auk, Of the Artic sea, He lives on the ice, Where the winds blow free.

[Illustration: THE AUK.] B

The name of the place is pronounced Mish-i-nim-auk-in-ong, by the Indians, The term mishi, as heard in mishipishiu, panther, and mishigenabik, a gigantic serpent of fabled notoriety, signifies great; nim, appears to be derived from nimi, to dance, and auk from autig, tree or standing object; ong is the common termination for locality, the vowels i (second and fifth syllable) being brought into the compound word as connectives.

The name of the place is pronounced Mish-i-nim-auk-in-ong, by the Indians, The term mishi, as heard in mishipishiu, panther, and mishigenabik, a gigantic serpent of fabled notoriety, signifies great; nim, appears to be derived from nimi, to dance, and auk from autig, tree or standing object; ong is the common termination for locality, the vowels i (second and fifth syllable) being brought into the compound word as connectives.

The terms nim and auk, dance and tree, and the local ong, are introduced to describe the particular locality and circumstances of the mythologic dances.

The French, to whom we owe the original orthography, used ch for sh, interchanged n for l in the third syllable, and modified the syllables auk and ong into the sounds of ackwhich are, I believe, general rules founded on the organs of utterance, in their adoption by that nation of Indian words.

more probably, auk, a generic participle for tree or trunk.

Tom Peregrine shot one a few years back; also a puffin, a bird with a parrot-like beak and of the auk tribe.

All the duck kind waddle; divers and auks walk as if fettered, and stand erect on their tails.

Dabchicks, moorhens, and coots, fly erect, with their legs hanging down, and hardly make any dispatch; the reason is plain, their wings are placed too forward out of the true centre of gravity, as the legs of auks and divers are situated too backward.

The sun shone with unclouded splendour, and the bright air, which trembled with that liquidity of appearance that one occasionally sees in very hot weather under peculiar circumstances, was vocal with the wild music of thousands of gulls, and auks, and other sea-birds, which clustered on the neighbouring cliffs and flew overhead in clouds.

He formed a resolution then and there to become a good shot, and although he did not succeed exactly in becoming so that day, he nevertheless managed to put several fine specimens of gulls and an auk into his bag.

* "The Oof Bird" is the Auk, as Cornhill Mag. says its eggs cost £170 apiece,of course when fresh.

" 3.00 Auk, Cambridge .........................

19 examples of  auk  in sentences