7 examples of aural in sentences

Miss Salt tells her own story in an appendix to Mr. Stewart Macpherson's Aural Culture based on Musical Appreciation.

Thus may be produced a variety of serious aural disturbances, such as unnatural noises, whistling, and roaring, followed oftentimes by a partial loss of hearing.

Unless, as some thinkers have conceived, the immortal soul wraps itself about in some aural vapour that takes the form it wore on earth.

"My first impulse is to say that the association lies solely in the sound of the vowels, in which connection I certainly feel it the most strongly; but then the thought of the distinct redness of such a [printed or written] word as 'great' shows me that the relation must be visual as well as aural.

Aural-oral Latin for the second grade; an experimental text for teachers.

Aural-oral Latin for the second grade; an experimental text for teachers.

* "DEAR GOOD PEOPLE,If your ears burn as often as you are talked about in this house, there must be an unpleasant amount of aural circulation to endure!

7 examples of  aural  in sentences