24882 examples of authors in sentences

" To acquire this important habit, the practice of reading at a slow pace the words of the Breviary, authors suggest several little hints.

Some authors recommend such pauses at the end of the invitatory, at the end of each hymn, or after each Gloria.

It, too, is excellent in its authors, its form (clear, short devotional), in motive (in honouring Mary, Mother of God, and in begging her intercession).

Some authors quote St. Ephrem (circa 363) as the originator of this much-used prayer.

Whether it may rightly be argued from the concordance of the Hebrew text with the Alexandrine Greek text and other ancient versions, that the titles prefixed to the Hebrew text are older than the version known as the Septuagint, and that therefore they have been derived if not from the authors themselves of the Psalms at least from the ancient Judaic tradition? ANSWER:

"It was not the intention of the Church or of the compilers and authors of the service books to claim historical authority for their statements.

Some authors hold that this usage of reading a brief extract from Sacred Scripture is of Jewish origin.

Some authors attribute it to St. Gregory the Great (590-604).

Several authors stated that this period of preparation for the celebration of Christ's birthday was instituted by Gregory the Great.

The hymns of the Breviary have been translated by several authors in every country of Christendom, and with different degrees of success.

Very many metrical arrangements of the Psalms by non-Catholic authors exist in English.

The Analecta Hymnica in 60 huge volumes testifies to the learning and zeal of its Jesuit authors.

Passing over in charitable silence the indifferent efforts of those people, it may interest some students of the Breviary to read the efforts of well-known authors to translate the liturgy, its anthems, responses, collects, hymns, into good English.

It includes the very best hymn translations by Catholic authors, John Dryden, Cardinal Newman, Father Caswall, etc. (Burns & Gates.

In allusion to the cabalists, Pliny says, "There is another sect of magicians of which Moses and Latopea, Jews, were the first authors."

There is no mention made of the word Devil in the Old Testament, but only of Satan: nor do we meet with it in any of the heathen authors who say anything about the devil in the signification attached to it among christians; that is, as a creature revolted from God.

The Anglican movement, when it dies out, will leave behind at least a legacy of grand old authors disinterred, of art, of music; of churches too, schools, cottages, and charitable institutions, which will form so many centres of future civilisation, and will entitle it to the respect, if not to the allegiance, of the future generation.

It was perhaps favorable to the immediate success of the Spy, that Cooper had few American authors to divide with him the public attention.

Or, if you prefer, salvation being free, what we place in the Panama is an honorarium for Deity or his agent, just as our noted authors never speak at banquets for pay, but accept the honorarium that in some occult and mysterious manner is left on the mantel.

In the Institutes of Justinian we see on every page a regard to the principles of natural justice: but moreover we find that malicious witnesses should be punished; that corrupt judges should be visited with severe penalties; that libels and satires should subject their authors to severe chastisement; that every culprit should be considered innocent until his guilt was proved.

Of Babylonian architecture we know little beyond what the Hebrew Scriptures and ancient authors tell us.

It is probable that the Venus de Medici of Cleomenes was a mere copy of the Aphrodite of Praxiteles, which was so highly extolled by, the ancient authors; it was of Parian marble, and modelled from the celebrated Phryne.

All writers, poets, and satirists alike speak of the inferiority of women to men,not physically only, but even intellectually; and some authors made them more vicious than men in natural inclination.

Langbaine observes of our author, that he was a general scholar, and a tolerable linguist, as his several translations from Lucian, Erasmus, Texert, Beza, Buchanan, and other Latin and Italian authors sufficiently manifest.

In the particular quality of fire, which is indispensible in a good writer, the Scotch authors have rather too much of it, and are more apt to be extravagantly animated, than correctly dull.

24882 examples of  authors  in sentences