98 examples of automaton in sentences

The landlord walked in like an automaton, and a suppressed giggle came from the girls in the wagon.

There was as fine an opportunity for Aricia to show some power as for Phèdre, but the automaton who represented Aricia had no power to show.

" If the grin was impudent, the salute she got in acknowledgment was perfection; Jules faced about like a military automaton, strode off briskly, stopped at some distance to light a cigarette, and in effect faded out with the flame of the match.

The Ramblin' Kid rode the mile more as an automaton than as a living, conscious human being.

He who had brightened a moment before now spoke like an automaton.

He pressed his lips tightly and went about his duties like an automaton.

She spoke as an automaton, slowly, and pausing to choose her words.

Compared with the Moral Law the State is a crutch instead of a limb, an automaton instead of a man.

I believe you'd walk to Reading if nobody stopped you!" She was taking slow, regular steps like an automaton, and looking straight before her.

You were like an automaton.

The Poodle is exceptionally sensitive, and is far more efficiently taught when treated as a sensible being rather than as a mere quadrupedal automaton.

" And, moving more as an automaton than as one under a will, Halket was seated on a chair, with this said old and blind woman by his side, who sat silent and with blank eyes waiting for the stranger to explain what he wanted.

He is no longer like an automaton, a school-boy guided by his teacher and text-book, but is spoken to as an independent thinker.

And since I find it is the plan, To make me an automaton, I'll case my heart in triple mail, And fence it so completely round, That all this vaunted skill shall fail, Those blunted arrows back rebound; For know, usurper!

During the three days that intervened before the burial of Dr. Schmidt, I was hardly conscious of any thing, but moved about mechanically like an automaton.

" IV THE FLESH-POTS OF EGYPT The westward journey began at the appointed hour in the evening with the resourceful Ormsby in command; and when the outsetting, in which she had to sustain only the part of an obedient automaton, was a fact accomplished, Elinor settled back into the pillowed corner of her sleeping-car section to enjoy the unwonted sensation of being the one cared for instead of the caretaker.

Rafael walked along in silence and like an automaton.

He says, "As mechanically as an automaton I began to reply.

" The man who thinks for himself learns the authorities for his opinions only later on, when they serve merely to strengthen both them and himself; while the book-philosopher starts from the authorities and other people's opinions, therefrom constructing a whole for himself; so that he resembles an automaton, whose composition we do not understand.

His idea of a good waiter was a well-trained automaton with no eyes or ears.

You have heard Jervis's description of his condition; that of a mere automaton.

Keith laughed hysterically a few times before they started, and then he turned into an automaton that breathed and moved and heard and saw only as part of a gigantic machine.

" Keith rose like an automaton.

I rose like an automaton, and cast an involuntary glance about me; the guests were filing through the drawing-room, into the room where refreshments were laid.

An English maid, as perfect as an automaton in her training and regularity, accompanied Bertie, to whom were confided all details of dress, all keys and jewels, with entire confidence and safety.

98 examples of  automaton  in sentences