1352 examples of avenge in sentences

He may have been a merciful man and just; while considering the gentle nature of the Indians, it is possible that some at least of their victims deserved their fate, and that the poor savages had wrongs to avenge which had become intolerable.

They would have invoked high heaven to avenge the interferenceand had there been a people on the face of the earth to protest against it, that people would have shown out, like an eminent star in the hemisphere of nationsand to this day you would call it blessed.

A groaning curse was growled from the window as the girl drew near, and she knew it came from a wounded Marcum who had lately come back from the West to avenge his brother's death.

Then, rending his garments, he cried with a loud voice: "Help, O Kureisch, your caravan is pursued by Mahomet!" With one accord the Meccan warriors, angered by the news that spread wildly among the populace, assembled before their holy place and swore a great oath that they would uphold their dignity and avenge their loss upon the upstart followers of a demented leader.

Therewith Mahomet was forced to acknowledge defeat, and he journeyed back to the city, vowing that if Allah were pleased to give him opportunity he would avenge this slight upon Islam and his own divinely appointed mission.

He knew that besides a better equipment they possessed the strongest incentive to daring and determination, the desire to avenge some wrong.

What Cato did, when some one struck him on the mouth;not fire up or avenge the insult, or even return the blow, but simply ignore it.

It is Rousseau's opinion that the proper way to avenge an insult is, not to fight a duel with your aggressor, but to assassinate him,an opinion, however, which he is cautious enough only to barely indicate in a mysterious note to one of the books of his Emile.

Murder is so common among them, that it is even less than a nine days' wonder; all that is thought necessary is to bury the dead, and then some relative must avenge his quarrel.

The sons of Good Road's first wife were also told of the state of things, and they told Fiery Wind that they would take up his quarrel, glad of an opportunity to avenge their own and their mother's wrongs.

But Harpstenah had nothing to avenge; when she was young she was passed by, as there was nothing in her face or disposition that could attract; and now in the winter of life she was so ugly and so desolate, so cross and so forlorn, that no one deemed her worthy even of a slight.

Not a Sioux warrior but vowed he would with his own arm avenge the death of his friend.

Duty called upon him to avenge the death of his friend.

But after the lapse of years, the boy, who brooded over the wrongs of his father, eagerly seeks an opportunity to avenge his own.

The family of Cloudy Sky was a large one; there were many who would esteem it a sacred duty to avenge his death.

God looks down from his throne above with pitying eye; he pities his children; we grow strong in the assurance of his tender mercies; but let us remember,he will avenge with a powerful arm, the wrongs inflicted upon his feebler ones; for he hath said,"My children, love ye one another, even as your heavenly Father loveth you.

In these last words, and only then, Miss Wimple showed that she could remember an insult, and avenge itin her own way.

Beware!" As for Lorenzino, whilst no action was taken publicly in Florence against himfor, secretly all men, and openly the majority, praised his actthere was a party whose members were sworn to avenge Alessandro's blood.

3. To avenge the death of Duke Alessandro.

[-21-] Shortly after Togodumnus perished, but the Britons so far from yielding stood together all the more closely to avenge his death.

As for the emperors that are dead and gone, they will avenge themselves in case any one does them wrong, if in very truth they be heroes and possess some power.

I arrived just in time to see the deed, and rushed swiftly, with fists and feet, to avenge her fate.

And what's the resulthow do the women avenge themselves?

While pensive on each hill, whose lofty brow O'erhung with sable woods the vale below; Peruvia's hapless tribes in scatter'd throngs, Beheld the fiends of strife avenge their wrongs.

At length a Grecian embassy, led by Orestês son of Agamemnon, arrived, and demanded that Astyanax should be given up and put to death, lest in manhood he should attempt to avenge his father's death.

1352 examples of  avenge  in sentences