1287 examples of averted in sentences

She saw that ruin could not be averted; she lay at death's door, deserted by the husband she still worshipped, thinking of the children she had sacrificed.

I averted my gaze tactfully, but I could hear him kicking chairs and things.

It would be interesting to speculate on what might have been averted, had Mirabeau lived.

O'Connell was not admitted to Parliament; but his case precipitated an intense turmoil, which settled the question forever; for then the great general who had defeated Napoleon, and was the idol of the nation, seeing the difficulties of coercion as no other statesman did, and influenced by Sir Robert Peel (for whom he had unbounded respect), made one of his masterly retreats, by which he averted revolution and bloodshed.

Had the armed intervention of Russia, England, and France taken place at an earlier period, much suffering and bloodshed might have been averted.

Congress rallied around the Executive and a bill was passed providing for the enforcement of the collection of the customs at Charleston, and arming the President with extraordinary powers to see that the dangers were averted.

It averted the final outbreak for ten years longer, but contained elements that were to be potent factors in insuring the final crisis.

No, it is not at the moment when she is under a delusion that intoxicates her that a woman can be averted from this intoxication even by the immensity of the fault she has committed.

The impending danger can only be averted from us by the ability of the people of Europe, now kept down by military mercenaries, to rise and assert their own rights.

But if you take this position, the necessity of this war will be averted from you, and Russian preponderance will be checked and your protestation respected, without having to go to war.

Not that an evil-disposed majority predominated in them; on the contrary the counsel of a man of standing, the loud call of honour, and the louder call of necessity were still, as a rule, listened to in the comitia, and averted the most injurious and disgraceful results.

Hooniah waddled forward, head bent and gaze averted.

They parted at the beginning of a heavy shower of rain, and the fall James Harthouse had ridden for was averted.

Aware that his mother might have once averted the ruin of the Dorrit family, Clennam returned more than once to the Marshalsea.

When the curtain rose on the last act, it revealed this despatch-box on a table right opposite a French window, while at the other side of the room a high-backed arm-chair discreetly averted its face.

"Yes, I mean it," she answered, speaking away from him with averted face.

By incorporating this dangerous tendency within itself, Islam has averted the peril which it threatens.

A tremendous accession to the ranks of the Sinn Feiners has been narrowly averted.

Happily a subsequent fall of rain averted the impending calamity, prices fell and order was restored.

Above, the occasion of the celebration commemorated is expressed by two winged figures representing the year 1887 (the advancing figure) and the year 1837 (with averted head), holding each a wreath.

Given the assumptions, the practices and the institutions of civilization, the catastrophic losses of the present century could have been foretold and, with competent leadership and disciplined followership, could have been averted.

" "Bury her outside the wall," ordered Thurstane with averted face.

"But, no; I have your own words to refute that averted eye and cold look; and, by the faith of a sailor!

As she spoke, with her face upturned to him, and the hot tears rolling down her cheeks, her fingers convulsively clasped about his hand, and her form bending closer and closer toward him, till her cheek was resting on his bosom, Arthur shuddered with intensity of feeling, and from his averted eyes the scalding drops, that had never once before moistened their surface, betrayed how terribly he was shaken with emotion.

At last he stooped beside the outstretched form of Molly, and, with averted face, felt in her pocket and drew out the key.

1287 examples of  averted  in sentences