436 examples of axiom in sentences

The Church does not wish to impose a second recitation, and her axiom "officium pro officio valet" holds, provided always that the order of the psalms as laid down in the new psaltery is followed.

Prove an axiom!

Wherefore the axiom with which this column begins.

Singers, especially, understand the full force of the above stated axiom.

Thus we spoke to each other, and that seemed an axiom.

We may take it as an axiom that any law which appears to limit us contains in itself the principle by which that limitation can be overcome, just as in the case of the flotation of iron.

In this axiom, then, we shall find the clue which will bring us out of the labyrinth.

Let me repeat for you, Pelletan, a business axiom.

Thirty years ago, when P. T. Barnum said, "The public delights in being humbugged," he knew that it was not true, for he never attempted to put the axiom in practice.

He was naturally a humane and a just man, but he believed in the military axiom that

Paying for what they get and giving a good price for it when they have a chance is evidently an axiom with the believers in St. James's.

Yet, "let me write the ballads and you may govern the people," is an English axiom which was well known before pictures became so plentiful or so popular, or the refined cartoons of Mr. Punch were ever dreamt of.

[Footnote 2: So by Helmholtz; Hering (Fechners psychophysisches Gesetz, 1875); P. Langer (Grundlagen der Psychophysik, 1876); G.E. Müller in Göttingen (Zur Grundlegung der Psychophysik, 1878); F.A. Müller (Das Axiom der Psychophysik, 1882); A. Elsas (Ueber die Psychophysik, 1886); O. Liebmann (Aphorismen zur Psychologie, Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol.

MR. FECHTER gives no heed to RUSKIN'S axiom, that all true art is delicate art.

The declaration of Lord Chief Justice Holt, that "by the common law, no man can have property in another," is an acknowledged axiom, and based upon the well known common law definition of property.

It is an axiom of the civilized world, and a maxim even with savages, that allegiance and protection are reciprocal and correlative.

The rain dripped perpendicularly from the eves of the houses, exemplifying the axiom, that lines are composed of a succession of points.

Venerable Axiom.

If true, he contended it was true altogether; and that it must be taken, if taken as an axiom at all, with its largest consequences.

Sir Henry Wellwood would have scoffed at the axiom.

The consistency of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum-hypothesis with the axioms of set theory.

In 1823 Bolyai declared with regard to Euclid's so-called axiom of parallels, "I will draw two lines through a given point, both of which will be parallel to a given line."

It is an axiom of science never to look outside three-space horizons for an understanding of phenomena when these can logically be accounted for within those horizons.

" It is to be remarked, that the last lines are only a simple axiom of humanity, and could not have been considered as implying a censure on any government except that of the French republic.

I think I won't, however, It's finer not to know; If summer were an axiom, What sorcery had snow?

436 examples of  axiom  in sentences