Do we say b or be

b 5091 occurrences

B, C (D), [Greek: D], 1, etc.; Vulg., b, c, d, f, ff'1, Syr.

B, C (D), [Greek: D], 1, etc.; Vulg., b, c, d, f, ff'1, Syr.

[Hebrew: Aleph symbol], B, C, rel., b, f, Syrr.

[Hebrew: Aleph symbol], B, C, rel., b, f, Syrr.

[Greek: iasômai], K, U, X, [Greek: Delta], I; Latt. (exc. d), Syr. Crt.; [Greek: iasomai], B, C, D, [Hebrew: Aleph symbol], rel.

[Greek: ouk estin kalon], B, C, [Hebrew aleph], rel., Vulg., c, f, g'2, k, Orig.

The same text is found in b (Codex Veronensis) of the Old Latin, Pseudo- Athanasius, the Latin translator of Origen's commentary on St. Matthew, in Augustine, and three times in Irenaeus.

It is omitted in [Hebrew: Aleph symbol], B, C, D (v. 4), f, l, Syr. Crt., Theb., Memph.

Tertullian gives the name of the pool as Bethsaida with B, Vulg., c, Syr.

Similarly, but with inversion of the last two clauses ([Greek: hae sarx mou estin huper taes tou kosmou zoaes]), B, C, D and T, 33, Vulg., a, b, c, e, m, Syr. Crt., Theb., Aeth., Orig., Cypr.

30. | b (Codex Veronensis), in Matt.

a b c f rel.

b \ / \/ O.L. (a.c. &c.) \ / \/ Syr.

One of its copies in particular (b) seems to represent a text that has a close affinity to that of Tertullian, and among the group of manuscripts to which it belongs is that which Tertullian himself most frequently and habitually used.

, Tertullian seems to derive his text from the Dd branch rather than the b branch of the Old Latin.

b and most copies of the Old Latin altogether and go to the Curetonian Syriac.

It is observed that Tertullian does not quote verse 39, which is omitted by D, a, b, c, c, ff, l, and perhaps, also by Eusebius.

D, (a, b), c, ff, l.

[Illustration: Front Cover] [Illustration: Uppercase Alphabet] A B C D E F G H

[Footnote B: The French follows the same analogy; grandson being petit fils (little son.)]

[Footnote B: Our translators in rendering it "Is he a home-born SLAVE," were wise beyond what is written.

SMITH (W. J.) MUSIC COMPANY, INC., NEW YORK E Z method baritone or B flat bass in bass clef.

SEE E Z method baritone or B flat bass in bass clef.

SMITH, WILLIAM J. E Z method baritone or B flat bass in bass clef.

SEE E Z method baritone or B flat bass in bass clef.

be 661338 occurrences

My colleague was evidently still at work in the laboratory, and, from the circumstance that the tea-things were set out on the table and a kettle of water placed in readiness on the gas-ring by the fireplace, I gathered that Polton also was full of business and anxious not to be disturbed.

Give your best attention to the venerable Casper and the obsolete Taylor and you will not be without your reward.

All was done for him that could be, but his feet and legs were frozen solid.

And should not this circumstance be a warning to parents and guardians, to young men and children, "to look not upon the wine when it is red," and remember that at last "it will bite like a serpent and sting like an adder?"

Such a tumult, such an affray as ensued would be hard to describe.

The Captain and his party, enraged and disappointed in their plans at Palmyra, returned to Bath to see what could be done there toward success, in getting up a gang of slaves for the Southern market.

The sorrow and fearful apprehension of those wretched recaptured slaves can not be described nor imagined by any one except those who have experienced a like affliction.

When the Methodists sought to crush by cruel prejudice the poor African, he stepped boldly forward in defence of their cause, which he sustained, with a zeal and talent ever to be revered.

Through the benign influence of this good man, friends and means were raised for his poor brethren, to build houses of worship, where they would no more be dragged from their knees when in prayer, and told to seat themselves by the door.

Oh, how much good can one good and faithful man do, when devoted to the cause of humanityfollowing in the footsteps of the blessed Christ; doing unto others as they would be done by; and remembering those in bonds as bound with them.

What though his skin be black as ebony, if the heart of a brother beats in his bosom?

Stay you here, wife, and I will try once more to find the highway; it cannot be far from here; and if I am taken, I will submit to my fate without a struggle; we can but die."

Much sooner than he expected he emerged from the wood, and not far distant he saw a house in the direction from whence he came; being, however, as most of the slaves are, superstitious, he thought it would be a bad omen to turn backward, and so continued to look about him.

The man of the house opened it, and as soon as he saw him, he said, "You are a fugitive slave, but be not alarmed, come in; no harm shall befall you here; I shall not inquire from whence you came; it is enough for me to know that you are a human being in distress; consider me your friend, and let me know your wants.

Should he be killed or retaken, what could she desire, but to be his companion still!

Should he be killed or retaken, what could she desire, but to be his companion still!

It was not a happy dinner, and Jarley began to wish either that he had never been born or that all footballs were in Ballyhack, wherever that might be.

"As we have begun to build houses upon a handsome scale in London, the lovers of art may venture to hope, that instead of spending enormous sums solely on the upholsterer for his fading ornaments, something may now be spared to the artist, for conferring on the walls unfading decorations of a far more delightful and intellectual kind.

If the work be well executed, it will not suffer injury from being washed with clean and cold water."

" "If, however, the objections to painting our churches be deemed insuperable, we have buildings designed for civil purposes in abundance, which are well adapted for this species of decoration."

He then instances Westminster Hall, the walls of which might be covered with fresco; and the outsides of houses in many German cities and towns in the German cantons of Switzerland, the outsides of which are painted with scriptural and historical subjects.

[Footnote 1: Showing what was then supposed to be the shape and position of the newly discovered lands.

It was the month of May, and as the weather was warm, the colonists did not build houses, but, inside of some rude fortifications, put up shelters of sails and branches to serve till huts could be built.

Neither sound of paean nor groan was to be heard from any one of them: both sides limited their shouts to "Strike!

" "You think that it may really be sleeping sickness?" "No; personally I do not entertain that theory for a moment.

Do we say   b   or  be