62 examples of bacilli in sentences

The discharges swarm with infective bacteria of various kinds, some of which, especially Koch's comma bacilli, seem to be specific.

In cultures there always appears a remarkably free development of comma shaped bacilli.

These bacilli often grow out to form long threads, not in the manner of anthrax bacilli, nor with a simple undulating form, but assuming the shape of delicate long spirals, a corkscrew shape, reminding one very forcibly of the spirochaete of relapsing fever.

These bacilli often grow out to form long threads, not in the manner of anthrax bacilli, nor with a simple undulating form, but assuming the shape of delicate long spirals, a corkscrew shape, reminding one very forcibly of the spirochaete of relapsing fever.

The comma bacilli thrive well in meat infusion, growing in it with great rapidity.

The comma bacilli thrive best at temperatures between 30° and 40° C., but they are not very sensitive to low temperatures, their growth not being prevented until 17° or 16° C. is reached.

Koch made an experiment to ascertain whether a very low temperature not merely checked development but killed them, and subjected the comma bacilli to a temperature of 10° C. They were then completely frozen, but yet retained vitality, growing in gelatine afterward.

The dying bacilli lose their shape, sometimes appearing shriveled, sometimes swollen, and then staining very slightly or not at all.

The comma bacilli in these conditions multiply with great rapidity so as to far outnumber the other forms of bacteria, which at first might have been in far greater abundance.

This state of affairs does not last long; in two or three days the comma bacilli began to die off, and the other bacteria began to multiply.

Precisely the same thing takes place in the intestine, where, after the rapid initial vegetation is over, and when exudation of blood occurs in the bowel, the comma bacilli disappear and putrefactive bacteria predominate.

Whether the occurrence of putrefaction is inimical to the comma bacilli has not been proved, but from analogy it is very probable.

At any rate, it is important to know this for certain, for if it be so, then the comma bacilli will not thrive in a cesspit, and then further disinfection would be unnecessary.

But here, as with other substances which hinder their growth, they do not kill the bacilli.

He experimented with anthrax bacilli in water to which iodine was added, and the bacilli were destroyed.

Alcohol first checks the development of the comma bacilli when it is mixed with the nutrient fluid in the proportion of 1 in 10, a degree of concentration which renders it impracticable for treatment.

Sulphate of iron, in the proportion of 2 per cent., checks this growth, probably by precipitating albumimites from the fluids, and possibly also by its acid reaction; certainly it does not seem to have any specific disinfecting actioni.e., in destroying the bacilli.

Indeed, Koch thinks that the admixture of sulphate of iron with fæcal matter may arrest putrefaction, and really remove what may be the most destructive process to the comma bacilli.

Among other substances which prevent the growth of the comma bacilli may be mentioned alum, in solutions of the strength of 1 in 100; camphor, 1 in 300; carbolic acid, 1 in 400; oil of peppermint, 1 in 2,000; sulphate of copper, 1 in 2,500 (a remedy much employed, but how much would really be needed merely to hinder the growth of the bacilli in the intestine!); quinine, 1 in 5,000; and sublimate, 1 in 100,000.

This fact is proved by merely drying a small drop of material containing the bacilli on a cover-glass, and then placing this over some of the fluid on a glass slide.

With anthrax bacilli vitality is retained for nearly a week; whereas, the comma bacillus appears to be killed in a very short time.

In gelatine cultures the comma bacilli can be cultivated for six weeks, and also in blood serum, milk, and potato, where anthrax bacilli rapidly form spores.

But a resting state of the comma bacilli has never been met witha very exceptional thing in the case of bacilli, and another reason why the organism must be regarded rather as a spirillum than a bacillus, for the spirilla require only a fluid medium, and do not, like the anthrax bacilli, thrive in a dry state.

But a resting state of the comma bacilli has never been met witha very exceptional thing in the case of bacilli, and another reason why the organism must be regarded rather as a spirillum than a bacillus, for the spirilla require only a fluid medium, and do not, like the anthrax bacilli, thrive in a dry state.

But a resting state of the comma bacilli has never been met witha very exceptional thing in the case of bacilli, and another reason why the organism must be regarded rather as a spirillum than a bacillus, for the spirilla require only a fluid medium, and do not, like the anthrax bacilli, thrive in a dry state.

62 examples of  bacilli  in sentences