45 examples of back off in sentences

The youth died and slid back off the rigid bayonet.

" With my hand upon the region of my heart, as I had seen stars, when called before the curtain on the proudest evening of their lives, give anatomical expression to their overwhelming sense of the honor done them, I backed off, hat in hand.

It is sharp at both ends, in order that it may 'back off,' as well as 'pull on;' it steers with an oar, instead of with a rudder, in order that the bows may be thrown round to avoid danger when not in motion; it is buoyant, and made to withstand the shock of waves at both ends; and it is light and shallow, though strong, that it may be pulled with facility.

So, after all, things did not seem to be altogether favorable to Bruin; and had the bear only known what he was up against possibly he would have found it discreet to back off and let the three strange creatures alone.

Now, he dared back off a trifle and take a long breath of air from the burrow he had made.

V. recede, go, move back, move from, retire; withdraw, shrink, back off; come away, move away, back away, go away, get away, drift away; depart &c 293; retreat &c 283; move off, stand off, sheer off; fall back, stand aside; run away &c (avoid) 623. remove, shunt, distance.

On the way the Discovery ran on a shoal, but managed to back off without damage.

The women wear all their hair, which they comb entirely back off their forehead, and fasten it in most artistic plaits to the head; they spend a great deal of time in the process, but when their hair is once dressed, it does not require to be touched for a whole week.

Then they'd give her a choice between the two of 'em and the one that lost would simply back off the boards.

"And scenery in B.C. is a drug on the market; we've got Europe backed off the map for tourist attractions, if they only knew it.

Presently I discovered a small house, standing back off the road and showing a thin slit of light above the shutters of a downstairs window.

It is about three miles back off the road, over toward the river from the place where you two had that accident yesterday.

She kept that up for a long time, just jumping on a barrell and back off again.

At the same time Horan staggered back off the parapet, and the quick-firer ceased firing.

The boat approaches the fish bow foremost, but is made sharp at both ends that it may "back off," if necessary; the whale being often dangerous to approach, and ordinarily starting, when struck, in a way to render his immediate neighbourhood somewhat ticklish.

He ordered them to back water first, by which manoeuver the boat was backed off from the land into deep water.

There's a place over beyond Crosber, ten miles off and more; I don't know the name of it, or the person it belongs to; but I've noticed it many a time as I've driven by; a curious old-fashioned house, standing back off one of the lanes out of Crosber, with a large garden before it.

The only way I could get free was to back off and pull the coil, so that the battery wires would pull the cells off the shelf and thus break the circuit.

The Eagle seemed to back off, probably the recoil from the blow.

"If I could only get a tug we might do better," observed the captain, "in fact, since I've had the engines going I don't think we can back off under our own power.

Helms now began to back off, but carefully kept his eye on Holman and continued his abuse as he went on to the saloon to get something to replenish his courage.

Pretty soon he back off an' try to rush me.

He backed off, and exclaimed, as he saw the grocer grab a butter paddle, "Dern you, don't you touch me; I'll pay for your old chicken.

She said she got onto the right car and the conductor wuz a dretful handsome and fascinatin' man, and she went to git off at the right street, and kinder backed off, she always duz git off that way, and the conductor thinkin' she wanted to git on, he smiled so sweet and held out his hand to help her on so she would git on again.

Whenever we felt ourselves going aground on a sand-bank we just reversed the engines and backed off again, or else put on extra steam and ground our way through it.

45 examples of  back off  in sentences