Do we say backward or backwards

backward 1990 occurrences

At length, having passed the night in tedious languor, he called to him Almamoulin, his only son, and dismissing his attendants, "My son," says he, "behold here the weakness and fragility of man; look backward a few days, thy father was great and happy, fresh as the vernal rose, and strong as the cedar of the mountain; the nations of Asia drank his dews, and art and commerce delighted in his shade.

He turned his eyes backward over the years.

And though he saw if dimly, and what he saw was wet, it was like a backward glance of a thousand years, for as his civilization is so much older than ours they have presumably passed through all that kind of thing.

She might, she doubtless would, lose confidence in him if he took a step backward, and that confidence of hers was the most splendid thing in Mitchell's life.

So he started to slide, and took out his knife, and when he reached the rope, which the woman had raised, he cut it, and when it parted, the woman fell over backward into the water, and was eaten up by the big fish.

When he shot at her, she fell over backward into the darkness, screaming out: "Oh Heavy Collar, you have shot me, you have killed me!

All the time he was cutting and stabbing, jumping backward and forward, and all the time laughing.

It seems dreadful that I have gone on so slowly, and backward so many

The baby is at that dangerous age when they are forever getting upon their feet and tumbling over backward on their heads.

RETRO means Backwards, Backward, or Back: as, retro-active, acting backwards; retro-grade, going backward; retro-cede, to cede back again.

RETRO means Backwards, Backward, or Back: as, retro-active, acting backwards; retro-grade, going backward; retro-cede, to cede back again.

He couldn't even juggle one foot backward and forward without correction.

A patient under a hypnotic trance is wonderfully rapid and fertile in drawing inferences, but he hunts the scent backward as easily as he does forward.

Before raising the kite, the string, which hangs from K', is made fast at K in such a way as to cause the bow to curve backward.

"Where have you been all this while?" asked Hinpoha with a perspiring sigh, laboriously "knitting backward" across the length of the needle in vicious pursuit of a stitch that should have been eliminated in the process of decreasing for the heel turn.

They only knew that with a mighty backward leap the cowman had reached the single heavy oak door, had sent it shut with a bang.

Whatever Fate to Man may bring, Whatever weal or woe befall, That metal tongue shall backward ring

In the New York Evening Post the present writer observed: "A backward glance over the short stories of the preceding twelve months discovers two facts.

A critic might also aver that the steady moving forward of the action, joined to the backward progress, yet both done so surely, could not have been achieved without years of training.

But the boats went backward and forward, and the bags were hoisted on board and lowered into the hold, and the wall of gold grew smaller and smaller.

With that she came bowing backward towards the well of the staircase, so far that I was almost afraid she would fall plump into my arms.

"Then, if you met him, did he not make you bow and bend and walk backward?" asked the Playmate, looking up very sharply.

But when I am grown upah, then!I mean to make the Chamberlain bow and walk backward; for you know he is only taking care of my princedom for me.

Nor, after this, was I backward in telling Helene of it, and sometimes she would love me well enough, and then again she would not.

By an anterior extension of the arms, they were raised high above my head, which, far from being uplifted with the exultation which I had hitherto simulated, was lowered to my breast; and my body, stranger yet, instead of bending toward the attractive object, bent suddenly backward.

backwards 967 occurrences

She just sat down on the floor with the terrible portrait in her lap, and rocked herself backwards and forwards.

They have been indulging, sir, until the top of your head has fallen over backwards, and your whiskers act as though they belonged to somebody else.

The knife slithered harmlessly over my shoulder, and he fell backwards into the heather.

He began pacing backwards and forwards across the room as if with the purpose of avoiding looking at her.

He returned to the tree, noting the measurement in his book as he did so, and then repeated the process, walking backwards with his eye fixed on the window, but this time taking a line more to the left.

Again and again he repeated the process, until finally he had walked backwards from the tree in narrow segments of a big semicircle, finishing up on the boundary of the Italian garden on the other side of the grounds, and almost directly opposite to the garage from which he had started.

Holding him helpless, bent backwards across his broad chest, Fyfe slowly and systematically choked him; he shut off his breath until Monohan's tongue protruded, and his eyes bulged glassily, and horrible, gurgling noises issued from his gaping mouth.

Nothing that ever he uttered, were it even a prayer to God, but he had a fancy for reading it backwards.

They come backwards and forewards.

Yes ma'am I been coming backwards and forewards to Hot Springs all my lifeyou might say. 'Twasn't far over and I kept a'coming back.

A good deal emboldened by his freedom from discovery and by the misty rain, Ainsley slid backwards, moved round the crater, crept back to the barbed wire and under it, ran across the opening on the other side and dropped into the hole where he had left his men.

There was an attack of fearful prostration, a very wrestling with death, and then the grim shadow drew backwards, and she struggled back to life.

Heart-sick he leaned over the side watching the Indians in their paint and feathers shooting backwards and forwards in their canoes, and staring across at the town where the gaunt gable ends of houses and charred walls marked the effect of the terrible fire which a few years before had completely destroyed the lower part.

" I gave one terrified glance, which just enabled me to see that the shadowy form was swinging towards us through the bushes, and then I collapsed backwards with a crash into the branches.

Then Ruth, who stood by the table with a pitcher of water in her hand, staggered backwards like one stricken a violent and sudden blow!staggered backwards, dropping the pitcher with a heavy crash as she retreated, and crossing her hands upon her bosom with quick, short catchings of the breath!

Then Ruth, who stood by the table with a pitcher of water in her hand, staggered backwards like one stricken a violent and sudden blow!staggered backwards, dropping the pitcher with a heavy crash as she retreated, and crossing her hands upon her bosom with quick, short catchings of the breath!

Another shot, and the child's small, shrill cry blended with the mother's death shriek; falling backwards the two rolled over the brow of the hill out of sight.

He was rocking backwards and forwards in his rocking chair, and he gave me that vacant stare and pointed to me as he said, 'Young man, seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.'

The nearest approach to a dramatic motive in his work is the figure of the Magdalen kneeling before the cross, with her long yellow hair streaming over her shoulders, and her arms thrown backwards in an ecstasy of grief.

This, perhaps, was why he felt utterly astounded when Blanche suddenly burst into tears, and began rocking herself backwards and forwards.

Then one of the figuresin the habit of a Franciscan, barefooted, with a purple stole across its shouldershad sprung towards him, and half pushed, half waved him backwards again.

He went therefore through the garden into the farmyard and along the road leading back to the dike, and then he walked backwards and forwards between the ferry, over the Wash, and the termination of the private way by which they had come.

In the meantime telegrams at a very great cost had been flying backwards and forwards between Cambridge and Sydney.

He placed me gently on all fours on the ground, but I immediately got up, and walked slowly backwards and forwards to let those people see I had no intent to run away.

The door opened inwards however, and Horace was in time to give it a sharp thrust with his foot and send the little man, a mere Judge of the High Court, staggering backwards on to the platform where he sprawled at full length, while his turban, which Horace thought most ridiculous for a grown man, rolled in the dust.

Do we say   backward   or  backwards