12 examples of baddest in sentences

The baddest of all the Pymeut children.

'Plain Green Tea and very Badd' was fifteen shillings, 'Couchon' twenty shillings, 'Hyson' thirty.

[Old copy, baddest.]

Now excellent good, now superexcellent badd: Some excellent good, some?

If suche proofes may prevayle gaynst any man, Any such slave, discarded for's badd life, May make hys former master forfayte hys; You may in ten days hange up all your nobles And yet have lawe for't.

My father badd me tell you that he hathe Not many howers to live, & dothe desyer To parte in peace with all men, even with you Whom he hathe nowe forgiven hartylie; And if you please to vissytt him you may Fynde love without captitulatyon

what peice of earthe Couldst thou fynde badd enough to hyde hys bones.

I knwe it badd, Nay woorst of Ills. Treadway.

But why shoold wee poore wretches thus contest Against the powers above us, when even they That are the best amongst us are servd badd?

Nowe for instance There's but one refuge left mee, that's to flye: The gates are shutt upon mee and myself Am a badd foottman, yet these difficultyes I can thus helpe; there to this place beelonges A mare that every second d[a]yes' imployde To carry corne and fetch meele from the mill, Distant som half league off; I by this beast Will fashion myne escape.

I had no sooner, as your Lordshipp badd, Putt him upon his voyadge, turn'd him out, But the ould resty stallion snuft and neighd, And smelt, I thinke, som mare, backt (I perceavd By the moone light) by a Fryar, in whose pursuite Our new made horseman with his threatninge lance, Pistolles, and rotten armor made such noyse That th'other, frighted, clamours throughe the streetes Nothinge but deathe and murder.

And that was the baddest place in the world.

12 examples of  baddest  in sentences