84 examples of baggy in sentences

Gray were his eyes, too, and his suit, a comfortable baggy suit with the slouch of the wearer impressed into it, the coat hiking center back, the pocket-flaps half in, half out, and the knees sagging out of press.

It was in a dreadfully baggy condition.

He began to doubt the efficacy of the white shirt and frequently drew one of the loose, baggy sleevesrapidly losing their snowy spotlessnessacross his face to rid himself of beads of perspiration.

She carried a baggy umbrella in her hand.

It is just the baggy skin of his nose, a foot long, which hangs down past his mouth.

But not on that baggy thing standing in the corner.

" The fat man coldly scrutinized Priam's appearance, from his greenish hat to his baggy creased boots.

High-collared, baggy, empire-waisted, ample-skirted, hanging a foot lower in front than behind, the garment could have been designed from no other pattern.

He was quite decently dressed in a baggy suit of black.

The caravan consisted of eighteen camels, four Baluchis, Kamoo, and Gerôme, with an escort of ten soldiers of the Djam of Beïla, smart-looking, well-built fellows in red tunics, white baggy trousers, and dark-blue turbans.

He was dressed in a close-fitting tunic of dark-blue cloth, heavily trimmed with gold braid, baggy white linen trousers, and a pair of European side-spring boots, very dirty and down at heel.

We drew nearer Dieppetall French houses leaning inward with tricolors in the windows, a quay with the baggy red breeches of French soldiers showing here and therejust such a scene as they paint on theatre curtains at home.

He had a blue robe, bright-red, soft boots, a white turban wound with a sort of scarf of brown cord and baggy corduroy underneath, concealing various mysterious pockets.

Dimitri was dressed in a home-spun braided jacket and homespun Turkish trousers, shaped like baggy riding-breeches, and his complete impenetrability to new ideas was only equalled by the solemnity and touching willingness with which he received them.

He wore his pantaloons very loose and baggy in summer.

The officer and Robinson donned one each, and 'Enery carefully arrayed himself in a torn and discarded pair of old French baggy red breeches and the damaged French cap, and discarded his own jacket.

In the crowd we were jostled by a little slant-eyed man of the Orient, resplendent in baggy blue silk trousers tied neatly at the ankles and a loose coat lined with lavender, whose flowing sleeves half concealed his slender brown hands.

In summer the slaves went without shoes and wore three-quarter checkered baggy pants, some wearing only a long shirt to cover their body.

He usually wore a long-tailed black "Kentucky" suit with baggy trousers and sported a cane.

He was wearing his ready-made clothes and starched collar; but the trousers were deplorably baggy at the knees from much riding, and his linen and polished shoes were soiled with the dust of the prairie.

"I do not say 'Sit down, crow' for thou art already sitting," put in a huge, powerful-looking man, arrayed in a conical puggri-encircled cap, long pink shirt over very baggy peg-top trousers, and a green waistcoat, "but I weary of thy chatter Blind-Man.

The Saggy baggy elephant.

The trousers of the Christians all very tight, the trousers of the Mahometans baggy, rainbow-colouredit is a jealous point of difference in these parts that the Turk keeps four or five yards of spare material in the seat of his trousers.

Arrayed in fluffy tweeds, with baggy knickerbockers and heavily-nailed boots, he trotted beside his giant companion over the moors, somewhat like a child who expected its hand to be taken over difficult places.

The last among a number of Russians returning to the enclosure from some fatigue duty was given a blow in the seat of his baggy trousers with a stick which one of the guards carried.

84 examples of  baggy  in sentences