4154 examples of bake in sentences

There are in the world those who know how to build aqueducts, and to bake charlotte russe, and to sew trousers.

Dredge with flour and let bake in a hot oven until nearly done.

Then add some boiled turnips cut in quarters; sprinkle with pepper and flour; let bake until browned.

Put in a buttered pudding-dish and bake in a moderate oven until done.

Lay in a well-buttered baking-tin and bake until a deep yellow.

Bake until a delicate brown.

Put in a baking-dish with a little stock and bake.

Rub the top well with melted butter and let bake until brown.

Make into a large roll; place in the centre of the prunes; cover with brown sugar and a tablespoonful of molasses and put in the oven to bake until done.

Fill with the prunes and let bake until done.

Put in a well-buttered pudding-dish, and let bake until done.

Let bake in a quick oven.

Make a loaf a half inch thick and bake in a moderate oven until done.

Moisten with beef-stock and let bake in the oven.

Fill the pie with the onions, cover the top with cream and let bake in a moderate oven until done.

Fill the muffin-rings 1/2 full and bake in a quick oven for twenty minutes. 25.French Tart.

Line a large pie-dish with the paste and bake.

Add the beaten whites; fill the pie and bake in a moderate oven.

Roll out an inch thick; cut with a biscuit-cutter; rub with melted butter; lay in a buttered baking-pan; let raise one hour; then bake in a hot oven twenty minutes.

Put in a buttered pudding-dish and pour over 1/2 cup of melted butter; let bake in a moderate oven until brown.

Then fill well-greased muffin-rings half full with the batter and bake in a quick oven until done.

Let bake until brown and tender.

Cover over with fine bread-crumbs; pour over some melted butter and let bake in the oven until brown.

Pour in about 1/2 pint of water, cover with crust, and bake in a well-heated oven for about 1-1/2 hour.

To bake the rabbit, proceed in the same manner as above; in a good oven, it will take about the same time as roasting.

4154 examples of  bake  in sentences