4154 examples of baked in sentences

Put in neither spice nor cheese ... Put it into the oven just at the proper heat, The bottom of which must be quite free from ashes; And when it is baked enough, isn't that a dish to feast on!")

" The dessert consisted generally of baked pears, medlars, pealed walnuts, figs, dates, peaches, grapes, filberts, spices, and white or red sugar-plums.

So he left the side of the pool with another sigh, the noise he made sending off the great gray heron, and after a little difficulty he found his way back to the outlaws' camp and his own dinner, which, oddly enough, was not roast buck or fawn, but roast ducks and a fine baked pike, cooked in an earthen oven, with plenty of stuffing.

Perhaps the next day one of these new friends kindly sends in a present for the ladies of the party: a bouquet of natural flowers with the petals carefully gilded; a folar or Easter cake, being a large loaf of sweetened bread, baked in a ring, and having whole eggs, shell and all, in the midst of it.

They moulded them over gourds and models, and baked them in ovens.

Bread baked in this way is very sweet and good.

But the narrow-chested and knock-kneed boy staggering over the sun-baked asphalt no longer concerned him.

She baked for us bread, fresh bread,such bread!

There was a sugar-bowl, a milk-jug, and other paraphernalia of civilization, includingO memories of Joseph Bourgogne!a dome of baked beans, with a crag of pork projecting from the apex.

We paddled stoutly by relays, stopping only once, at the neatest of farm-houses, to lunch on the most airy-substantial bread and baked apples and cream.

This steam keeps the entire boiler hot till everything is blown out, and the result is that all the dirt, sediment and lime is baked solid on the tubes and side of firebox.

Time and Thought were my surveyors, They laid their courses well, They boiled the sea, and baked the layers Of granite, marl, and shell.

Yet he had chosen it with care as one of the points of passage for Alcatraz during the stallion's wanderings to the four quarters of his domains and though since he took up his station here an imp of the perverse kept the stallion far away, the watcher remained on guard, baked and scorched by the midday sun, constantly surveying the lower hills nearby or sweeping more distant reaches with his glass.

They are red in colour, and seem to be baked by the hot sun.

One doesn't want to go about looking half-baked, does one?" "No," we murmured, making a pretty concerted number of it.

Having set down her pot, the daughter, a rather wild-looking person with sun-baked face and large gleaming eyes, took an old-fashioned brass dish-lampa deformed and vulgar descendant of the agate lamp held in the hand of the antique priestessand, after bringing the wick towards the lip, lighted it.

He did not think her offensive or unfeminine or half baked or socialistic or any of the things he had been saying to himself at lengthening intervals for the last twenty-four hours.

About eight or ten days before St. Luke's fair (for they are baked at no other time in the year), a certain quantity of oatmeal is made into dough with warm water, and laid up in a vessel to ferment.

The bread thus baked was, doubtless, never intended for common use.

"In tropical lands, when the rain comes, what was barren baked earth, in a day or two is rich meadow, all ablaze with flowers, and the dry torrent beds, where the stones lay white and glistening ghastly in the hot sunshine, are foaming with rushing streams and fringed with budding oleanders."

So, urging our poor old nags, we trudged along the sun-baked roads between the high grown wheat fields of the Brie country.

But this requires alteration, or it is apt to communicate a baked flavour. SYRUP OF ROSESMay be obtained from Belgian or monthly roses, picked over, one by one, and the base of the petal removed.

Cornbread was baked in the Heyward kitchen but biscuits also were baked twice daily and the Negroes were allowed to eat as many as they wished.

Cornbread was baked in the Heyward kitchen but biscuits also were baked twice daily and the Negroes were allowed to eat as many as they wished.

These was another bread used as a desert, known as potato bread, made by tailing potatoes until done, then mashing, adding grease and meal, this was baked and then it was ready to serve.

4154 examples of  baked  in sentences