33 examples of balance sheet in sentences

In fact, the two good runs ought to have made the disappointing balance sheet he must shortly submit to the shareholders look a little better.

Nobody but Cartwright could persuade the dissatisfied shareholders to accept that balance sheet.

" "The balance sheet looks bad.

The balance sheet looked better than it was, but Jordan had given him a useful lead.

"Jordan declares he does not like to be accountable for an unsatisfactory balance sheet.

Then, speaking in a steady voice, he gave the report of the year's work and talked about the balance sheet.

One or two asked questions, which he answered candidly, and then there was a pause and somebody moved the adoption of the chairman's report and balance sheet.

In the meantime, a motion is before the meeting" "It is proposed and seconded that the directors' report and balance sheet be accepted," Gavin remarked.

Periodic examinations, to check up the balance sheets of the hormone factories and to measure the amount of their damage by means of blood analyses, will provide the most valuable method in the campaign to lengthen the productive and enjoying span of life.

The profits of a business, as they are ordinarily reckoned, whether for the purposes of income tax or of a balance sheet, comprise several elements which are fundamentally distinct.

money-like instruments, M1, M2, sum, amount; balance, balance sheet; sum total; proceeds &c (receipts) 810. currency, circulating medium, specie, coin, piece

books, account book, ledger; day book, cash book, pass book; journal; debtor and creditor account, cash account, running account; account current; balance, balance sheet; compte rendu [Fr.], account settled, acquit, assets, expenditure, liabilities, outstanding accounts; profit and loss account, profit and loss statement, receipts. bookkeeping, accounting, double entry bookkeeping, reckoning. audit.

" Eleseus had some notions of accounts, of course, and Uncle Sivert's money-chest, the famous bottle-case, had been opened and examined while he was there; he had had to go through all the accounts and make up a balance sheet.

It was perhaps because, on that particular day, a spiral pain was twisting around in the back of his head, and digging in a little deeper with each twist, and because the figures on the balance sheet before him were hopping about like black imps in an infernal forward-and-back, that the picture hung there so persistently.

Up to the end of its period of activity it had received and expended nearly half a million dollars; the balance sheet of December 31, 1857, may be of interest: State Appropriations, ........... $ 930.00 State Colonization Tax, ......... 12,851.00 Colonial Agency, ................

A special annual balance sheet will show how the money entrusted to our care has been expended, and if the success of the work be not sufficient to justify its existence, it will always be easy for the public to withhold those supplies on which we must continue to depend for the prosecution of our enterprise.

"They can't close the bank until I set the balance sheet, sir, and it's now two hours past closing time.

Being joint stock companies they have to publish periodically, for the information of their shareholders, a balance sheet showing their position.

It should be noted that the entry on the left side of the balance sheet, "Acceptances," refers to bills of exchange which the bank has accepted for merchants and manufacturers who are importing goods and raw material, and have instructed the foreign exporters to draw bills on their bankers.

Since then the account has been complicated by the growth of the amount that our debtors owe us every year for interest, and by the huge earnings of our merchant navy, which other countries pay by shipping goods to us, so that, by the growth of these items, the trade balance sheet has been turned in the other direction, and in spite of our lending larger and larger amounts all over the world we now have a balance of goods coming in.

This is surely something solid on the credit side of the balance sheet, though it would be a good deal more so if mankind had made better progress with the much more difficult problem of using and distributing its wealth.

; money deposited with, 25 seq.; specimen balance sheet of, 35 Bearer securities, 54 Bill-brokers, 37, 38 Bills of exchange, meaning of, 26 seq.; on London, popularity of, 29, 30; uses of, 39, 40 Bonds, description of, 54 Bowley, Dr., on specialization, 156 Brailsford, Mr., on Egypt and finance, 99 Brazil, financial embarrassments of.

The balance sheets of imperialism: facts and figures on colonies.

In examining my critic's balance sheet I remarked that were his figures as complete as they were absurdly incomplete and misleading, I should still have been unimpressed.

Give us the balance sheet of the experiment.

33 examples of  balance sheet  in sentences