1107 examples of baldest in sentences

The Juniper is preëminently a rock tree, occupying the baldest domes and pavements, where there is scarcely a handful of soil, at a height of from 7000 to 9500 feet.

You'd be bald yourself.

It's trouble and worry that keep us bald until we can begin to take care of ourselves; I had more hair than this at first, but it fell off, as well it might.

" S.C. rubbed the bald part of his head and gave a little sigh.

Let him not talk, for he hath words at will, And wit to make the baldest matter good.

Folly Erasmus sets a flourish on: For baldness a bald ass I have forgot Patch'd up a pamphletary periwig.

He passed a hand over his shiny bald head as if to stimulate thought and exorcise bewilderment.

Somehow he attracted the attention of Charles the Bald, A.D. 843, and became his guest and chosen companion.

Fair, of ruddy complexion, with snub nose and the beginning of a bald place on the top of his head, he, too, looked the embodiment of a prosperous, stodgy 'City gent.'

Is it because I am not so bald, crooked, old, rotten, as thou art?

How many decrepit, hoary, harsh, writhen, bursten-bellied, crooked, toothless, bald, blear-eyed, impotent, rotten, old men shall you see flickering still in every place?

Here they were met by a tall man of grave appearance, about thirty years of age, with a pale face and bald forehead, wearing a white cravat, with corners about ten inches long, stretching out on either side towards the shoulders.

My statements are so bald, somehow.

(His name is Ferris, and he is tall and bald, and about forty, and so shy that when he blushes his eyes water.)

I think that long, thin, bald, gentle bachelor spends all his spare momentsand he must have many in lonely Misanporethinking about his next leave and the feasts he will then enjoy.

By just shutting one's eyes and "making believe" a little, how easy it would be to conjure up our dear old grandmothers in their great scoop bonnets, and grandfathers with their high coat collars coming nearly to their bald crowns!

Nick had not enlarged upon his adventures after this stage of his youthful career, merely sketching them in the baldest manner, when it had been necessary to present his credentials to the "boss""old Grizzly Gaylor."

If it be correct to express human thought by writing whole pages of vague and bald abstract metaphysic, and then trying to explain them by concrete concetti, which bear an entirely accidental and mystical likeness to the notion which they are to illustrate, then let the metaphysic be as abstract as possible, the concetti as fanciful and far-fetched as possible.

A little affectation and quaintness of style did not merit such severity of castigation.[C] As a translator, Mr. Gifford's version of the Roman satirist is the baldest, and, in parts, the most offensive of all others.

Many people can say, as they bethink themselves of their old college companions, that those who wrote with good sense and good taste at twenty have mostly settled down into the dullest and baldest of prosers; while such as dealt in bombastic flourishes and absurd ambitiousness of style have learned, as time went on, to prune their early luxuriances, while still retaining something of raciness, interest, and ornament.

Her hundred throats here bawling Slander strains; And unclothed Venus to her tongue gives reins In terms, which Demosthenic force outgo, And baldest jests of foul-mouth'd Cicero.

A book written by a Cornish miner, whose life passes in subterranean monotony, sparing none of the petty and ever-recurring details that make up his routined existence, would, if set down in the baldest language, be a valuable contribution to literature.

It is to be regretted that the stringent regulations of the postal authorities will not permit us any report of the heart-to-heart talk that followed his departure, other than the baldest summary.

Unless we are the baldest materialists, we will not reserve for the parchment body of some old book the respect called forth by its soul.

The town of Herning, sometimes called "the Star of the Heath," is the seat of Hammerum county, once the baldest and most miserable on the Danish mainland.

1107 examples of  baldest  in sentences