981 examples of ball. in sentences

It is safe to say that before Spalding there was no base ball.

Meyers lifted a terrific line drive to center field, but Speaker got under the ball.

We go to a ball.

"Well, anyway," I said, "coming down to hard facts and cutting out all this visionary stuff about vibrating tails and what not, the salient point that emerges is that you are booked to appear at a fancy-dress ball.

Always, however, is exerted the gravitational pull of matter, and the energy that drove through, instead of pursuing a right line, tends to bend in a parabolic curve, like the trajectory of a cannon ball.

Perhaps the only caution that need be urged is that against the excessive participation in such exhausting games as foot-ball.

because Lord Valmond told me, when he left Chevenix on Saturday, that he had to go to another party in Yorkshire, and was as cross as a bear because he would not be able to be at the Grassfield ball.

And I also will say good-night to you, Mamma, or I shall look ugly to-morrow for the ball.

Wait as long as possible, for the ball.

Blair has the ball.

As if the sum of joy to you Were hunt and picnic, rout and ball.

" Until the Voice came to Glen Cove all that troubled Jeanne was that her pony had sprained a tendon, and that in the mixed doubles her eye was off the ball.

"Ranaway Mary, a black woman, has a scar on her back and right arm near the shoulder, caused by a rifle ball.

The falling water-drop is round; you yourself spoke of the globules of quicksilver; and a drop of melted lead let fall, if it has time to harden before it reaches the ground, is found at the bottom in the shape of a ball.

" "The man who is hit is nigher to danger than he who feels the wind of the ball.

Tschaikovski, however, had not learned that womankind was not his kind; so he flirted a little with the beautiful niece of one Tarnovski, for instance, and with an unknown at a masked ball.

M. Devaux opened the palm of his hand and displayed the scrap of paper in the hollow rolled up into a small tight ball.

After the war Frank Lafforgue, of the Yale Club, attempted to renew interest in Squash Tennis by utilizing a standard Lawn Tennis ball.

" After a puzzling five minutes at the phone a small, weary voice managed to convince Perry that it was Mr. Nolak speaking, and that they would remain open until eight because of the Townsends' ball.

Illustrated by Robert Ball.

PACKARD, FRANK L. The purple ball.

Embellishments by Robert Ball.

One of these gave us a farewell ball.

As I turned away he closed his door with a slam,—a delicate way of assuring me that he was acting in good faith, and not preparing to puncture my back with a rifle-ball.

Miss Fitzroy and her brother gave a ball.

981 examples of  ball.  in sentences