2339 examples of ballad in sentences

<Song, ballad, ditty, lullaby, hymn, anthem, dirge, chant, paean, lay, carol, lilt>.

And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow.

In the Scottish ballad of "Fair Margaret and Sweet William," it is related "Out of her breast there sprang a rose, And out of his a briar; They grew till they grew unto the church top,

Indeed, so potent is the ash as a counter charm to sorcery, that even the smallest twig renders their actions impotent; and hence, in an old ballad entitled "Laidley Wood," in the "Northumberland Garland," it is said: "The spells were vain, the hag returned To the queen in sorrowful mood, Crying that witches have no power, Where there is row'n-tree wood.

I imagine Lamb to have found the metre and manner of the poem in the ballad "Gentle River, Gentle River" (translated from the Spanish "Rio Verde, Rio Verde"), which is printed in the Percy Reliques.

What may be thy name, good fellow?" "Men do call me Reynold Greenleaf, Your Worship," said Little John; and the old ballad that tells of this, adds, "So, in truth, was he a green leaf, but of what manner of tree the Sheriff wotted not.

It was in this spirit that my little ones crept about me the other evening to hear about their great-grandmother Field, who lived in a great house in Norfolk (a hundred times bigger than that in which they and papa lived) which had been the sceneso at least it was generally believed in that part of the countryof the tragic incidents which they had lately become familiar with from the ballad of the Children in the Wood.

yet do we feel the imagination at all violated when we read the "true ballad," where King Cophetua wooes the beggar maid? Pauperism, pauper, poor man, are expressions of pity, but pity alloyed with contempt.

They are as indispensable as the Ballad Singer; and in their picturesque attire as ornamental as the Signs of old London.

That I have not shrunk from the Tragic Muses, witness this Lamentable Ballad, first written in the vernacular by I know not what author and lately by myself put into Latin T. T. of Islington.

Having married the daughter of a tailoror so Mr. Fuller Russell states in his account of a conversation with Lamb in Notes and Querieshe was in danger of being ribaldly associated with Satan's matrimonial adventures in Lamb's ballad.

I like LITTLE-SENSE less than his vagarying younger sister NO-SENSEso I send them The 4th line of 1st stanza is from an old Ballad.

The old negro ballad from which we have quoted above gives in its lines a charming idea of the river and of the memories and thoughts which cling to it.

The story is taken from an occurrence that formed an episode in the history of the Crusades and which has already furnished to Walter Scott the subject of a very pleasing ballad entitled the Fire-King, or Count Albert and Fair Rosalie.

There is no ingredient of fiction in the historical incidents recorded in the following ballad.

The ballad may be considered as a narrative of the transactions, related by an aged Highlander, who had followed Montrose throughout his campaigns, to his grandson, shortly before the battle of Killiecrankie.

The next entry from Lady John's diary is dated March 14, 1852: Yesterday John read a ballad in Punch giving a very unfavourable review of his conduct in dismissing Lord Palmerston, in bringing forward Reformindeed, in almost all he has done in office.

The "Ballad of Cassandra Southwick" she esteemed as one of the finest things of our time; and of "Astrea" she said,"Nobody in England can write the glorious resonant metre of Dryden like that strain, nowadays.

Had she not hanging over her bed a small paper-cutting of a profilejet black, but not blacker than the face it representedof one who would have been her own husband in the small years of this century, if the vessel in which he went to sea, like Jamie in the ballad, had not sailed away and never come back to land?


We livewe bloombut for ever o'er Is the charm of the earth and sky: To our life, ye heavens, that balm restore, Or bid us die!" "THE FOUNTAIN: A BALLAD.

More than once attracted by the old ballad, we have, when undergraduates, walked to the "lonely towers of Cumnor Hall," fancied that we saw her struggle, and heard her screams, when she was thrown over the staircase (the traditional mode of her assassination,) and wondered how any man could have the heart to murder a simple lovesick pretty girl.

[Footnote 73: 'Ganfride': a mediæval ballad-monger.

F.C.B. Kentish Ballad (No. 16.

I have none of these works at hand for immediate reference, but the above note contains all that I have been able to collect on the subject of our popular ballad.

2339 examples of  ballad  in sentences