39 examples of banshees in sentences

She wailed like a banshee as she finally grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him as he desperately tried to escape.

It was not a banshee, but a forgotten fox-hound puppy, sitting mournfully on the gravel-walk beneath, staring at the clear ghastly moon.

I asked too if he had ever seen the banshee.

I might go on making the sign of the cross with it, and all that, come Christmas, and a Banshee, or such like, would no more mind than if it was that broom.

H.M.S. 'Banshee.

[Supernatural appearance] ghost, revenant, specter, apparition, spirit, shade, shadow, vision; hobglobin, goblin, orc; wraith, spook, boggart^, banshee, loup-garou

She may have kept to the grass and this marked-up path, for, since I don't believe in banshees, I'll swear there's been a woman around, either a crazy woman, wandering at large, who might be connected with the murders, or else a sane one who signalled the foreigner.

" "It might be wiser not to dismiss the banshees, as you call them, too hurriedly," Doctor Groom rumbled.

When he died (she was nineteen) they say she screamed once, like a banshee, and dropped to the floor.

From the wall somewhere behind the bed came a low, weird monotonous sound, half wail, half croaking moan, like a banshee with a cold.

My grandmother believed in werewolves and banshees, and we burned blessed candles and sprinkled holy water in our houses on All Souls' night to keep away demons.

BODACH GLAY or "Grey Spectre," a house demon of the Scotch, similar to the Irish banshee.

The beginning of each sentence was uttered in a rapid monotone, and towards the end it rose gradually till it ended in a prolonged, shrill wail, which floated overhead through the still air with an indescribably sad and ghostlike effect; heard at night, it would have thrilled one like the cry of the Banshee.

And there was the Irish peasant who heard the voice of the Banshee calling through that mist, and heard other queer voices of supernatural beings whispering to the melancholy which had been bred in his brain in the wilds of Connemara.

Says you have no more colour than a banshee, and not half the lifecan't grasp the fact that it's just chronic antiquity.

SEE Wheatly, Wilkins W. TREAT, LAWRENCE. B as in banshee.

Even the less directly baneful spirits such as Finvarragh, king of the fairies, who haunts the stony slopes of Knockmaa, and all the endless variety of dii minores, the cluricans, banshees, fetches who peopled the primitive forests, and still hop and mow about their ruined homes, were far more likely to injure than to benefit unless approached in exactly the right manner, and with the properly littered conjurations.

All night the fretful, shrill Banshee Lurks in the ivy's dark festoons, Calling for ever, o'er garden and river, Through magpie changing of the moons: "Alulvan, O, alas!

For the physical nature is inherited from parents, and sensitiveness to psychic impressions is a property of the physical body; in our family, as in so many Irish ones, belief in "ghosts" of all descriptions was general, and my mother has told me of the banshee that she had heard wailing when the death-hour of one of the family was near.

Then there were the Leannan-sighes, or native Muses, to be found in every place of note to inspire the local bard, and the Beansighes (Banshees, fairy women) attached to each of the old Irish families and giving warning of the death of one of its members with piteous lamentations.

He even believed,—or thought he believed, in banshees.

The Banshee THE Banshee cries on the rising wind "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!"

The Banshee THE Banshee cries on the rising wind "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!"

lest the Banshee hear!) "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!" See, how the crackling fire up-springs, "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!" Up and up on its flame-red wings; Hark, how the cheerful kettle sings!

On the rising wind the Banshee cries "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!"

39 examples of  banshees  in sentences