587 examples of barbarisms in sentences

"I've been thinking," said Smith, as he refilled his pipe, "of what the Doctor was saying the other evening about every body having a streak of the vagabond in him, which makes him relish an occasional tramp in the old woods among the natural things; things that have not been marred by the barbarisms, so to speak, of civilization.

Is there not some relaxation of the law necessary in vindication of the civilization of the age, against the legal barbarisms still remaining on the statute books, and adhered to by the common law, in regard to wives and mothers?

"In regard to your question, whether there is not some relaxation of the law necessary, in vindication of the civilization of the age, against the legal barbarisms remaining upon the statute book, and in the common law in regard to our wives, I answer frankly that I do not know about that.

But my private opinion is, that, as a general thing, the women of this country get along very well, even under the pressure of the 'barbarisms' of which you speak.

Refraining from all such barbarisms, I prefer to call the English race by the name which it has always applied to itself, from the time when it inhabited the little district of Angeln on the Baltic coast of Sleswick down to the time when it had begun to spread itself over three great continents.

We hung the Quakers and we burned the witches, but we are careful not to remember the localities of our barbarisms; we show instead the Plymouth Rock or the Washington Elm.

But this is one, among many other barbarisms, which the existence of slavery in the District of Columbia, by preventing any systematic revision of the laws, has entailed upon the capital of our model democracy.

Like Carlyle, he dislikes shams, and protests against what he calls the barbarisms of society; but he writes with a light touch, using satire and banter as the better part of his argument.

A few centuries hence may not both of them be looked back on as equally sheer barbarisms?

or what have the semi-barbarisms of the thirteenth century to do with the final triumph of "God and Humanity?"

And even where it has been applied, and is now honoured as a popular branch of study, there is yet great room for improvement: barbarisms and solecisms have not been rebuked away as they deserve to be.

The extent to which these comparative barbarisms now abound in English books, and the ridiculous fondness for them, which has been shown by some writers on English grammar, in stead of amounting to any argument in their favour, are in fact, plain proofs of the necessity of an endeavour to arrest so obvious

Burns he, &c. are barbarisms, and carefully to be avoided.

A hundred more years and many of the barbarisms still lingering among us will, of course, have disappeared like witch-hanging.

When our girls are educated into a proper self-respect and laudable pride of sex, they will scout all these old barbarisms of the past that point in any way to the subject condition of women in either the State, the Church, or the home.

But this prejudice against color and long ears is now going the way of other barbarisms.

With the Axe, Spade and Plough he chased the foul beasts and barbarisms from the island.

What a perpetual Fund would it have been of obsolete Words and Phrases, unusual Barbarisms and Rusticities, absurd Spellings and complicated Dialects?

Vocal Cries are of a much larger Extent, and indeed so full of Incongruities and Barbarisms, that we appear a distracted City to Foreigners, who do not comprehend the Meaning of such enormous Outcries.

Affectation, however opposite to ease, is sometimes mistaken for it; and those who aspire to gentle elegance, collect female phrases and fashionable barbarisms, and imagine that style to be easy which custom has made familiar.

She returns after supper; an irregularity that frightens me, who have not yet got rid of all my barbarisms.

One by one, the barbarisms of Old Virginia were eradicated, and the danger was then that effeminacy would succeed; but a better class of families began to come from England, now that the Colony was somewhat prepared for them.

I do wish the attention of the whole nation could be turned to the cruel barbarisms which are a national disgrace.

" | BARBARISMS: Words and | Phrases introduced from foreign countries phrases not English; i.e., | (called FOREIGNISMS, ALIENISMS), or not authorized by good | peculiar to some district or province English use.

Good \ English words or phrases | Most errors in the use of English used in wrong senses: | are Improprieties, which are far more as, "I guess I'll go to > common than Barbarisms and Solecisms. bed;" "He is stopping | No classification of them is here for a week at the Berkshire | attempted.

587 examples of  barbarisms  in sentences