2472 examples of bargained in sentences

If he had had the slightest intention of permitting me to go free, he would have bargained.

This was a consummation that Tom had not bargained for, but there was no alternative but to swim for the shore, dripping like a rat from a flooded sewer.

The 29th Brigade leading, with the 30th Brigade in support, left their positions of deployment at six o'clock, by which time the Turk had had more than he had bargained for north and east of Jerusalem.

Almost gayly, the companions threaded a marshy path to the river, and bargained with a shrewd, plump woman who squatted in the bow of a sampan.

A solemn pause: this was more than any of us had bargained for.

Fan had not bargained for this.

But when the elf was almost out of the snare, the boy happened to think that he ought to have bargained for large estates, and all sorts of good things.

"That's well," cried Nelson, "but I bargained for twenty."

I was in a market-house for human flesh, where humanity is degraded to a level with the brute; and where children of our common Father in Heaven, and for whom our blessed Redeemer offered up the atoning sacrifice of his blood, were bargained for and sold like beasts that perish.

According to the first plan, Michael Angelo bargained with the Pope for twelve Apostles in the lunettes, and another part to be filled with ornament in the usual manner"dodici Apostoli nelle lunette, e 'l resto un certo partimento ripieno d' adornamenti come si usa."

Yet, when he found her again, a short time sufficed to satisfy his longing, and he turned his back with jibes upon her when she bargained about money.

So the two ecclesiastics bargained together, and by mutual kind offices attained their several ends.

We accuse him for this, to wit: that having bargained with us upon a point upon which we were at issue, that it should be considered a judicial point; that he would abide the decision; that he would act under the decision, and consider it a doctrine of the party; that having said that to us here in the Senate, he went home, and under the stress of a local election, his knees gave way; his whole person trembled.

Krum was a far more capable ruler than they had bargained for, and he not only united all the Bulgars north and south of the Danube into one dominion, but also forcibly repressed the whims of the nobles and re-established the autocracy and the hereditary monarchy.

During the eleventh century the peninsula was invaded frequently by the Tartar Pechenegs and Kumans, whose aid was invoked both by Greeks and Bulgars; the result of these incursions was not always favourable to those who had promoted them; the barbarians invariably stayed longer and did more damage than had been bargained for, and usually left some of their number behind as unwelcome settlers.

More than he bargained for.

He had been there little more than a month, when his master heard where he was, and bargained with the captain of a small sloop to catch him and bring him back to Delaware.

Lepcha marriages are often made on credit, and are breakable if the payment bargained for is not made to the parent within the specified time.

A common servant in the employ of the village headman heard him and said "I will accept the offer;" the man had not bargained for such an undesirable match but he could not go back from his word; so he agreed and said that he would choose a night; and he waited till it was very cold and windy and then told the headman's servant to sleep out that night.

" "He bargained with me: I to give up all claim to the baby.

The promoters bargained skilfully for these grants, playing off town against town, cultivating the speculative spirit, punishing the obdurate.

I guess the Seeker found more of the plain unvarnished Truth in the East than he bargained for.

The inhabitants of Fernandina seemed to be a wiser and discreeter people than those in the two former islands, as they bargained harder for what they exchanged; they had cotton cloth in their houses as bed-clothes, and some of the women wore short cotton cloths to cover their nakedness, while others had a sort of swathe for the same purpose.

"We cannot be said to have bargained.

Mary had not bargained for that; she had intended to secure Mrs. Easton on her side, and then take her opinion.

2472 examples of  bargained  in sentences