12 examples of bargainer in sentences

The disappointed bargainer left, and was for some days decided in favor of the brazen image, which could be had at half the price.

While it does not devour the competitor as primitive mankind did, it paralyzes him by calumnies, recommendations, protection, money, which, secure the place for the best bargainer and leave the most honest, talented, and self-respecting to the pangs of starvation.

His first published story that showed distinct strength was perhaps A Blackjack Bargainer (August, 1901, Munsey's).

And so she drove the intriguing bargainer away, with "reproaches of such intolerable bitterness, that the like had never before been hurled at man alive."

They seemed abler bargainers than the men, and the play of expression on their dramatic and intensely feminine faces as they wheedled the price of a calf out of a fierce hillsman, or haggled over a heap of dates that a Jew with greasy ringlets was trying to secure for his secret distillery, showed that they knew their superiority and enjoyed it.

159, n. 3; Baltic, wishes to go up the, ii. 288, n. 3; iii. 134, 454; bargainer, bad, Rasselas, i. 341; Lives of the Poets, iii. 111, n. 1; Barry's picture, introduced in, iv.

Expel, Out of the camp, expel the bargainer Who made this ignominious overture.

However, they were conceded to be shrewd bargainers, and when old John bought Martin Debbins' upland and rocky farm one year, with the money that he had made by a lucky purchase of a gangling colt whose owner had failed rightly to appraise its possibilities as a racer, Boonton and Dover and Morristown laughed.

They fattened on the many acres, wooded with wild nut trees, and Jacobusas keen a bargainer as any Romany, upon whom John Lane had had his eye all the timetook the farm on shares, and every year thereafter the cashier at the bank added a neat little total to the big balance which the tribe was rolling up.

He is of a very quarrelsome nature, a sharp bargainer, and a boastful talker.

His winning of the Presidency brought pain instead of pleasure: he valued it only as a token of national confidence, got it only as a minority candidate in a divided party, and was denounced by the Jacksonians as a corrupt political bargainer.

Their hospitality and kindliness do not prevent them from being hard bargainers in business.

12 examples of  bargainer  in sentences