97 examples of barker's in sentences

The fight was to be pulled off in Barker's place, a combination of saloon and cafe.

Barker's Coal-shed.

" Barker's voice came back to him in a half whine, half snarl.

Again that startled look in Barker's eyes.

Barker's last statement"Warren, he was a bird with the women!"was true.

" "Then most of this gossip we've been hearing has a basis of fact?" A momentary return of caution showed in Barker's retort.

Carroll was apparently unconscious of Barker's flagrant evasion.

Who was she?" For the first time Barker's eyes shifted.

" "You're rightHow about Barker?" "I believe Barker's story.

Thus it was that "Barker's" became, during the construction period, an important point, and the frontiersman's name came to figure on time-tables.

With this man had come to Barker's his daughter Sarah, commonly known as "Sally," a handsome girl with a straight, lithe figure, fine features, reddish auburn hair, and dark blue eyes.

It is but fair to say that even the "toughs" of a place like Barker's show some respect for the other sex, and Miss Sally's case was no exception to the rule.

Erelong he found it convenient to sell his business and retire to a town some miles to the eastward, where the railroad influence was not as strong as at Barker's.

Of course the young bride had never known Sally Johnson, the whilom belle of Barker's, but her husband would have noticed at a glance how greatly she was changed from the girl who walked with Foster past the engineers' quarters.

Late on the very evening on which this story opens, and they had been "making up" the Denver Express in the train-house on the Missouri, "Jim" Watkins, agent and telegrapher at Barker's, was sitting in his little office, communicating with the station rooms by the ticket window.

"Be good enough to send that for me," said he "and leave orders at Barker's for the night express eastward to stop for us, and to bring a posse to take care of the wounded and prisoners.

E.g., at Hogskin Creek and Barker's Creek.

When he first came, he had been one of the most natural butts for Barker's craving ill-nature, and for a time he had been tremendously bullied.

After Barker's discomfiture, which took place some three weeks after his arrival, Eric liked the school more and more, and got liked by it more and more.

He was much hindered by Barker's unceasing attempt to copy his papers surreptitiously; and very much disgusted at the shameless way in which many of the boys "cribbed" from books, and from each other, or used torn leaves concealed in their sleeves, or dates written on their wristbands, and on their nails.

Then take that;" and, seizing one of the tin candlesticks, Eric hurled it at Barker's head.

Only think if you had been guilty, and were now in Barker's place!"

Having secured the tail and hind feet we continued our road to Dr. Barker's station, situated in one of the rich valleys I have spoken of, in an early part of the work, as lying a mile and a half to the North-East of Cape Shanck.

"Of course not, being a well-brought up young Indianess: and I went to the Indian spring, that runs into the pond, just above 'Barker's Landing,' that you all know of.

Butler's is the best done picture of the country, Kennaway's the exactest of the settlers' every-day rough-and-tumble haps and mishaps, and Lady Barker's the brightest.

97 examples of  barker's  in sentences