2040 examples of basin in sentences

Another method of mixing is the following:Put the water into the basin first and stir the meal quickly into it with a spatula or wooden spoon.

Put into a basin a pint of cold water, and beat it for a few minutes in order to aerate it as much as possible.

Line a pudding-basin with slices of bread from which the crust has been removed.

Put into a greased pudding-basin or mould.

If difficult to turn out, stand the mould in a basin of warm water for 2 or 3 seconds. 21.

Line a pudding-basin with short crust.

hondura, f., depth, cavity, basin, deep valley.

Certain it is, that the immense corrosive action of the water, and the gradual eating away of the rock on both the ledge and basin, has had the effect of changing the location of the falls, and forcing up the river in the direction of Lake Erie.

" She busied herself over the preparation of a basin of arrowroot, and the steward, despite his distaste for this dish, devoured it in a twinkling.

The closed form may indicate a hill or a basin; the open form, a ridge or a valley; sometimes a casual glance does not indicate which.

One, a fountain gushing into a broad square basin of masonry, shaded by three branching cypresses.

Beyond this valley we passed a circular basin, which has no outlet, so that in winter the bottom of it must be a lake.

It lay unruffled in the bottom of the basin, reflecting the peaks of the bare red mountains beyond it.

"A great basin which was the bed of an ancient lake before the water wore its way through.

So it had grown and set up housekeeping in its isolation, even as the community of Little Rivers had in a desert basin beside a water-course.

This process was now interrupted by the getting of the grey basin into which the porridge behoved to be poured; and poured it was, the process being followed by the sound of "the clauting o' the laggan," so familiar to Scotch ears.

"Now it's ready for him," said the figure, as it moved across the kitchen again, to get the spoon and the bowl of milk, both of which they saw her place beside the basin.

Each looked with a shudder at the basin of porridge as if it had been invested with some terrible charmnay, might it not have been poisoned?a thought which rushed instantaneously into the head of Thomas, and entirely put to flight the prior hypothesis that he had been favoured by this special gift of cookery.

The basin was accordingly laid aside by hands that trembled to touch it, and fear was a sufficient breakfast for both of them on that most eventful morning.

Divers plunge from the terraces of the cells to the bottom of the basin, and fetch out the smallest pieces of money which have been thrown in.

To describe it in one sentence, it is an immense basin, from two to three miles in diameter at the top, the edges of which are composed of ragged hills, and the sides and bottom of which are diversified with myriads of little hillocks and corresponding indentations.

Mr. C. pointed to the opposite side of the basin to a small group of stunted trees, which he said were the last remains of the Barbadoes forests.

From the height on which we stood, we could see the ocean nearly around the island, and on our right and left, overlooking the basin below us, rose the two highest points of land of which Barbadoes can boast.

It was a terrible situation; one moment they saw nothing, and seemed down in a mere basin of watery hills; the next they caught glimpses of the shore speckled bright with people, who kept throwing up their arms to encourage them.

The French king received me graciously, and I presented him with a cup and basin which I had executed for his majesty, who declared that neither the ancients nor the greatest masters of Italy had ever worked in so exquisite a taste.

2040 examples of  basin  in sentences