142 examples of battened in sentences

The colonel touched upon the time when buzzards, in the guise of carpet-baggers, had battened upon the recumbent form; and spoke slightingly of divers persons of antiquity as compared with various Confederate leaders, whose names were greeted with approving nods and ripples of polite enthusiasm.

When both were safe on deck, Harris quickly closed the door of the companionway and battened it down.

The hallucinating rascal had printed battered for battened, this last not conveying any distinct sense to his gaping soul.

For forty-two hours we were battened down in darkness, flung desperately about by every mad plunge of the vessel, stifled by poisoned air and noxious odors, and all that time without a particle of food.

Only by confining them below, with hatches battened down, and a carronade trained upon them, would we be safe.

Captain Sanchez is wounded and helpless, and those cut-throats amidships are battened down below hatches.

The facts which seemed to be relied upon by the District Attorney as establishing the alleged larceny werethat I had come to Washington, and staid from Monday to Saturday, without any ostensible business, when I had sailed away with seventy-six slaves on board, concealed under the hatches, and the hatches battened down; and that when pursued and overtaken the slaves were found on board with provisions enough for a month.

It is true that Houver swore that the hatches were battened down when the Pearl was overtaken by the steamer; but in this he was contradicted by every other government witness.

It is not easy for anyone, least of all for a good American, to refrain from indignation at the baseness of the rogues who thus battened for many months on the United States and their people.

All thought of fear or deference was gone, she had nothing left but scorn for these two despicable creatures, the fat harpy and her crapulent consort who had battened so long upon her misery, who had held her in bondage to the most menial tasks of their wretched restaurant while they filched and hoarded the money paid them for giving her the care and the advantages that were her due.

Oh, this is the place where the fishermen gather, With oilskins and boots and Cape Anns battened down; All sizes and figures with squid lines and jiggers, They congregate here on the squid-jigging ground.

When the hoeing has been finished in zeraat and zillah, and all the upturned soil battened down by the hengha, the next thing is to commence the ploughing.

A little smoke curled up from the battened-down hatches.

No more soldiering, Petrak: and see that ye keep yer jaw battened down, Mr. Trenholm, or I'll take a hand in this that ye won't relish and attend to ye in a way ye won't fancy.

There were no people in sightjust the deck, battened down, waiting to rise through a crushing weight of water.

I pictured Monica to myself, gathering her roses on a breathless summer afternoon, and returned to the house feeling like a battened version of the Reverend Laurence Sterne.

Pedro's brother knew a man who had trapped Bears, and the sheep-herder remembered that it is necessary to have the door quite light-tight rather than very strong, so they battened all with tar-paper outside.

As soon as this was done, I ordered a crew shipped, and the hatches battened on.

A few hours later I was in the cabin of the Dawn, arranging some papers, when I heard a well-known voice, on deck, calling out to the stevedores and riggers, in a tone of authority"Come, bear a hand, and lay aft; off that forecastle; to this derrick,who ever saw a derrick standing before, after the hatches were battened down, in a first-class ship!a regular A. No. 1?

As for the ship, she had been cleared the day the hatches were battened down.

"That the lights are closed, the hatches battened down, and by dint of excluding the air we can keep the flames in a smouldering state and sail into harbor a shell of safety over this core of burning coal.

In the two foremost holds 2,000 large casks were then placed, and all the hatches over the leaky holdsNos. 1, 2, and 4were battened down, and made airtight with felt, pitch, tow, etc.

During the new conflict between Turkey and Russia, the Russian armies occupied and battened upon the Rumanian provinces for six years.

Do you never think of the hidden shame, the cankering mortification of the consciousness of that nation across the frontier, which had battened on its victory, and was so strong in brute force, that, however brave a face one might put on, there was behind that smiling front always a hidden fear of Germanyan eternal foe, ever gaining in numbers and eternally shaking her mailed fist.

In vain did he entreat to be allowed to remain; he was hurried away from even the chance of protecting his defenceless wife, and battened down with the rest in the hold, there to be racked with the fearful apprehensions of their almost certain doom.

142 examples of  battened  in sentences