32 examples of be vital to in sentences

The ideal of a Catholic religion is to provide, by means of a divinely guided body of authorities and experts, an universal, international, inter-racial consensus regarding truths that are as obscure as they are vital to individual and social happiness; and thus to afford a means of sure and easy guidance to those uncritical multitudes whose necessary preoccupations forbid their engaging in theology and controversy.

Its consequences were to deny to the United States Government the right to tax incomes, to restrict it still further to customs duties as virtually its sole source of revenue, to deprive it of a power that might one day be vital to the safety of the Union, and to exhibit it in a condition of feebleness that was altogether incompatible with any rational conception of a sovereign State.

At the moment, and no doubt for some time to come, difficulties in regard to finance will exist, but it would seem to be nothing more than common sense to insist that the one service which is vital to our existence should be absolutely the last to suffer for need of money.

He instituted or embodied, among others, the three great vows, which are vital to monastic institutions,Poverty, Obedience, and Chastity.

This line of distinction is vital to an understanding of the question of the duty of truth-speaking, and of the sin of lying.

It is vital to appreciate this truth, because, as we shall see, by no means all the saving of the world is done by individuals.

But it is vital to Great Britain that her people should understand the nature of the transformation.

For a war against a European adversary Great Britain must rely upon her own resources, and upon such assistance as she might obtain if it were felt by other Powers on the Continent not only that the cause in which she was fighting was vital to them and therefore called for their co-operation, but also that in the struggle Great Britain's assistance would be likely to turn the scale in their favour.

In our opening statement, we promised to prove various facts; and we have proven them, in the main; if there are any contentions about which the evidence remains vague, this circumstance exists only because His Honor has seen fit to rule out certain testimony which is vital to the case, and we believed, and still believe, was entirely material and properly admissible.

The length to which one man's memory can go in letting drop associations that are vital to another can hardly find a limit.

But it is vital to our subject that we should describe the methods by which Germany has endeavoured to intimidate France at various stages of the African question.

It might be that at some critical moment those consequences would be forced upon us because our trade-routes in the Mediterranean might be vital to this country.

Nobody can say that in the course of the next few weeks there is any particular trade-route the keeping open of which may not be vital to this country.

I do not believe any nation ever entered into a great controversyand this is one of the greatest history will ever knowwith a clearer conscience and stronger conviction that it is fighting, not for aggression, not for the maintenance even of its own selfish interest, but that it is fighting in defence of principles, the maintenance of which is vital to the civilization of the world.

These towns are vital to the war and its successful prosecution.

If conservation is vital to the welfare of this Nation now and hereafter, as President Roosevelt so wisely declared, then few positions of public trust are so important, and few opportunities for constructive work so large.

It is vital to us that these communications be kept open, and measures must be taken to insure this.

There is no true community of interests between Russia and England; in Central Asia, in Persia, as in the Mediterranean, their ambitions clash in spite of all conventions, and the state of affairs in Japan and China is forcing on a crisis which is vital to Russian interests and to some degree ties her hands.

We are calling on you because your friend George St. George has information we need which is vital to the safety of all the settlements on Mars and even the Earth-Moon system.

His friendship is one of the things that are vital to your success.

Access to this district is vital to Bulgaria from the geographical point of view, and she will not be satisfied here with such rights as Serbia enjoys at Salonikafree use of the port and free traffic along a railway connecting it with her own hinterland.

What they can maintain is that deliverance from Magyar oppression is vital to the existence of the Transylvanians.

It is vital to the interests of the whole community that they should be brought under good moral influence; that they should live in better homes, and breathe a better social atmosphere than is now to be found in our factory towns.

Modern scientists, like modern historians and, above all, scientific and historical educators, should ever keep in mind that clearness of speech and writing is essential to clearness of thought and that a simple, clear, and, if possible, vivid style is vital to the production of the best work in either science or history.

Distinctions and differences of this order go for nothing in the pages before us; yet they are vital to the discussion.

32 examples of  be vital to  in sentences