2336 examples of beef in sentences

Boil a large fresh beef tongue in salted water until tender.

She often protested that she was weighed down by "responserbility;" the whole of the discredit of overdone beef, or under-done fish, together with those which attach themselves to heavy bread, lead-like buckwheat-cakes, and a hundred other similar cases, belonging exclusively to her office.

I asked who had killed the beef; it was a practice to share the meat with the neighbors, whenever a large animal was killed, taking pay in kind.

I was told it was not beef, and being unable to guess was at last informed that it was bear meat, which Mr. Needham had left.

When daylight began to appear I thought of examining the fruit which I had seen the eagles eat, and as some was hanging which I could easily come at, I took out my knife and cut a slice; but how great was my surprise to see that it had all the appearance of roast beef regularly mixed, both fat and lean!

I extracted them, and cutting a few slices more, made a hearty meal of bread and cold beef fruit.

The danger being over, I again turned my attention to the eagles, whom I found in a fair way of recovery, and suspecting that they were faint for want of victuals, I took one of the beef fruit, cut it into small slices, and presented them with it, which they devoured with avidity.

Meantime Tom and the stanchest of his adherents had reached Harrowell's, and Sally was bustling about to get them a late tea, while Stumps had been sent off to Tew, the butcher, to get a piece of raw beef for Tom's eye, so that he might show well in the morning.

And then poor little Arthur crept in and sat down quietly near him, and kept looking at him and the raw beef with such plaintive looks, that Tom at last burst out laughing.

"They'll be keeping us on mackerel and corned beef yet!"

I wish she had nice things to eatI don't see how she stands sour bread and so much corned beef and mackerel and sausages.

It seems that the consumption of meat decreased from this period on: less mutton and beef were eaten.

A monstrous greasy cook peered forth, shoving out a plate of fried eggs and echoing huskily: "Hamand!" "Corn-beef-an'-cabbage!"

Bloater paste 0.002 Potted beef none.

In THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for May 27, 1876, in a report of the proceedings of the New York Academy of Science, will be seen the statement of Prof. Falke, who found metallic mercury in a can of preserved corn beef, together with a considerable quantity of albuminate of mercury.

The rations of the Egyptian soldiers were, according to Herodotus, five pounds of baked bread, two pounds of beef, and half a pint of wine daily.

AGUE-CHEEK (Sir Andrew), a silly old fop with "3000 ducats a year," very fond of the table, but with a shrewd understanding that "beef had done harm to his wit."

He pointed to some barrels of beef on the deck, then to an empty barrel, and by significant gestures,as the Mendians say, by 'talking with his fingers,'he made them understand that they were to be slain, &c. At four o'clock that day, when they were called on deck to eat, Cinque found a nail, which he secreted under his arm.

" "Land flowing with milk and honey, and breakfast foods, and choice beef cuts at a dollar a pound!"

He said that in their own estimation they had riz in value like beef an' ham, an' he confessed how foolish he had been.

Most of the beef and pork was condemned, and no small part of the bread; still, enough remained to take the ship's company to a civilized port.

""'Pat, how did you carry that quarter of beef?'

He was once appointed Town-Major of some brick-dust, a rafter and two empty bully-beef tinsall of which in combination bore the name of a village.

Others had nothing at all and staggered off with a conglomeration of beef, pie, and turtle soup tucked up under their arms.

We break our fast, ere the sun is up, on chunks of yesterday's half- dressed beef and mutton.

2336 examples of  beef  in sentences